CAL Committees
The Cultural Events Committee's mission is to bring together University and Idaho communities through rich cultural activities. The Committee sponsors artistic, intellectual, and cultural events that enrich campus and community experiences and that link people of different backgrounds through common interests.
The committee has two grant programs that are used to help sponsor appropriate events.
Mini-grants are for funds up to $1000, and large grants are for $1000 and above. See the current call for additional details. The committee has a total of $11,000 to distribute for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.
Committee Members
The following faculty members serve three-year terms on the Cultural Events Committee:
- Jef Petersen, College of Arts and Letters (Theatre) [Fall 2024- Spring 2027]
- Sarah Robey, College of Arts and Letters (History) [Fall 2022-Spring 2025]
- Vacant
- Chris Pickett, College of Arts and Letters (Art) [Fall 2023-Spring 2026]
- Celal Perihan, College of Education (TES) [Fall 2023-Spring 2026]
The College Executive Committee (CEC) serves an important advisory function to the Dean and Associate Deans on issues critical to the operation of the College, particularly the strategic development of the College. The CEC will review sabbaticals, college RFP applications (e.g., faculty travel, course release, etc.), and advise the dean’s office as appropriate.
The CEC is composed of four tenured faculty members (two from each division of the college) and two tenure-track faculty members (one from each division of the college) who are selected following a vote of the faculty in their respective division.
Tenured faculty members are selected to serve on this committee for a term of three years and may serve no more than two complete three-year terms in a row.
Tenure-track faculty terms are for one year only, and tenure-track faculty must serve in a year that they are on tenure track (i.e., not yet tenured).
Committee Members
- Tom Kloss, Music (Fall 2022-Spring 2025)
- Matthew Levay, English & Philosophy (Fall 2023-Spring 2026)
- Luis Benavides, Art (Fall 2024 - Spring 2025)
- Deirdre Caputo-Levine, Sociology, Social Work, and Criminology (Fall 2023-Spring 2026)
- Samuel Peer, Psychology (Fall 2022-Spring 2025)
- Liz Redd, Anthropology (Fall 2024-Spring 2025)
- Payton Gibbs, CMP (Fall 2024)
The Tenure and Review Committee (TRC) is composed of six tenured faculty members (three from each division of the college) who are selected following a vote of the faculty in their respective division. Faculty members are selected to serve on this committee for a term of three years (the terms are staggered) and may serve no more than two complete three-year terms in a row. A chair is elected among the committee members at the first meeting of the year.
The committee will review tenure and/or promotion applications and third year reviews. The committee is charged with reviewing candidate dossiers, along with the recommendations of the department level review committees and department chairs, and issuing their own recommendations in writing to the college dean.
Committee Members
Eddie Ludema, Music (Fall 2024-Spring 2027)
- Sonja Launspach, English and Philosophy (Fall 2022-Spring 2025)
- Vacant
Erika Fulton, Psychology (Fall 2023-Spring 2026)
Andy Speer, Anthropology (Fall 2022-Spring 2025)
The Humanities Café Coordinating Committee (HCCC) is a college-level committee that will be made up of five CAL faculty members. All full-time CAL faculty (tenured, tenure track, lecturers, etc.) will be eligible to serve on the HCCC. Membership will not be dependent on CAL division affiliation; however, no more than two individuals from the same department should serve on the HCCC simultaneously. Faculty members are selected to serve on this committee for staggered three-year terms and may serve no more than two complete three-year terms in a row.
Committee Members
Jenna McLean, Music (Fall 2024-Spring 2027)
Neelam Sharma, CMP (Fall 2024 - Spring 2027)
King Yik, Global Studies and Languages (Fall 2023-spring 2026)
Alan Johnson, English and Philosophy (Fall 2023-Spring 2026)
Matthew VanWinkle, English and Philosophy (Fall 2023-Spring 2025)
The College Scholarship Committee (CSC) is a three-person committee. All full-time CAL faculty (tenured, tenure-track, lecturers, etc.) are eligible to serve on the CSC. Membership is not dependent on CAL division affiliation. Faculty members are selected to serve on this committee for staggered three-year terms and may serve no more than two complete three-year terms in a row. Only one faculty member from any department may serve at any one time.
Committee Members
- Evan Rodriguez, English & Philosophy (Fall 2024 - Spring 2027)
- Gesine Hearn, SSWC (Fall 2024 - Spring 2026)
- Kirsten Mink, Anthropology & Languages (Fall 2024 - Spring 2025)