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Dr. Shandra Helman

Outreach Performances (CCW)

Invite the City Creek Winds resident woodwind quintet to your school for a short interactive performance program. We offer programs as short as 15 minutes, and as long as 45 minutes to suit your classroom schedule, and focus on the large- and small-scale benefits of performing chamber music. We can also offer short demonstrations of each instrument in the ensemble. Members: Julie Sorensen, flute; Susan Hughes, oboe; Shandra Helman, clarinet; George Adams, bassoon; Michael Helman, French horn.

Group Lessons

Clarinet and/or saxophone group lessons are offered during the school day. I will focus on the topics of your choice, including any of the following: band music preparation, tone production, intonation, articulation, section balance, practice tips, fingering choices, equipment selection, and reed adjustment. 

Woodwind Sectionals

I am able to run full woodwind sectionals (including flutes, oboes, clarinets, bassoons, saxophones) on your current band repertoire. I will focus on the topics of your choice, including any of the following: balance, intonation, articulation, and practice tips.

State Standards

These presentations meet the following state education standards for high school students:

Music: Traditional and Emerging Ensembles

Anchor Standard 5: Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.

MU:Pr5.1.H.IIIa Develop and apply criteria, including feedback from multiple sources , to critique varied programs of music repertoire (melodies, repertoire pieces, stylistically appropriate accompaniments, improvisations in a variety of contrasting styles ) selected for individual and small group performance, and create rehearsal strategies to address performance challenges and refine the performances.


Anchor Standard 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.

MU:Pr6.1.E.IIIa Demonstrate an understanding and mastery of the technical demands and expressive qualities of the music through prepared and improvised performances of a varied repertoire representing diverse cultures, styles, genres, and historical periods in multiple types of ensembles.

MU:Pr6.1.8 Demonstrate performance decorum (such as stage presence, attire, and behavior) and audience etiquette appropriate for venue, purpose, context, and style .


Music: Harmonizing Instruments

Anchor Standard 4: Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation.

MU:Pr4.3.H.IIIa Explain and present interpretations that demonstrate and describe the context (social, cultural, and historical) and an understanding of the creator’s intent in repertoire for varied programs of music that include melodies, repertoire pieces, stylistically appropriate accompaniments, and improvisations in a variety of contrasting styles.


Anchor Standard 5: Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.

MU:Pr5.1.H.IIIa Develop and apply criteria, including feedback from multiple sources , to critique varied programs of music repertoire (melodies, repertoire pieces, stylistically appropriate accompaniments, improvisations in a variety of contrasting styles ) selected for individual and small group performance, and create rehearsal strategies to address performance challenges and refine the performances.

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