LGBTQ History Month Events at ISU

Elisabeth Curtis
September 21, 2023
Events are free and open to the public. Please join us!
LGBTQ History Month Events at ISU
Please contact Dr. Edward Kammerer, Political Science, at with questions. Events are free and open to the public.
Monday | October 2 | 6 PM | REND ABC
Documentary Screening: PS Burn this Letter Please
Stay after the screening to hear about drag in Idaho from local drag queens.
Wednesday | October 4 | 6 PM | Pond Student Union South Fork
Silencing LGBTQ Voices with Richard Price on Censorship and History of LGBTQ Book Challenges
Thursday | October 12 | 2 PM | Diversity Resource Center
Conversation Hour featuring Melissa Michelson on her book LGBT Life in America
Monday | October 16 | 6 PM | REND ABC
Documentary Screening: My Name is Pauli Murray
Wednesday | October 18 | 12:30 PM | Graveley Hall 300 via ZOOM
Research talk with Joann Wuest
Born This Way: Science, Citizenship, and Inequality in the American LGBTQ+ Movement
Monday | October 30 | 6 PM | Bengal Theater
Documentary Screening: How to Survive a Plague