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Biological Sciences Thesis & Dissertation Archive

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ISU Panorama. Photo by Chuck Peterson.

The Department of Biological Sciences at Idaho State University is committed to communicating the relevance of our research to the public, research sponsors and collaborators, and commercial partners. This archive includes the novel research produced by our students as they pursued their graduate education and includes Master Theses and Doctoral Dissertations. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by the authors. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.
1969-1965: 21 with 21 M.S.

1969    1968    1967    1966   |   1965

Author Title Degree Year Call Number
Bloxham, Don D. Comparative effects of the anesthetized and unanesthetized states on circulatory control in cats. M.S., Zoology  1969 Y1969 .B56
Fuller, Timothy Dee Ecological survey of the mammals of the Craters of the Moon National Monument. M.S., Zoology  1969 Y1969 .F85
Jones, Robert David Serum proteins of the chinchilla: a qualitative and quantitative analysis by cellulose acetate electrophoresis. M.S., Zoology  1969 Y1969 .J65
Wong, Flora Mun-che Effects of epinephrine and norepinephrine on the cardiovascular system of newborn kittens and adult cats. M.S., Zoology 1969 Y1969 .W65
Hoffer, Terrence Lee Cardiovascular responses to parasympathetic, sympathetic, and carotid sinus baroreceptor stimulation in the opossum, Didelphis virginiana. M.S., Zoology  1968 Y1968 .H64
Mohr, Raymond Everett Survey of the fishes of the Portneuf River and its tributaries. M.S., Zoology  1968 Y1968 .M65
Perotto, Roger A. Chromatographic study of Vi antigen and some of its degradation products. M.S., Microbiology 1968 Y1968 P465
Pitcher, Kenneth W. Birds of the Fort Hall Bottoms. M.S., Zoology  1968 Y1968 .P58
Shaw, David DeForest Cardiovascular responses to epinephrine and adrenal gland changes in the muskrat, Ondatra zibethicus. M.S., Zoology  1968 Y1968 .S52
Shinn, Lake Duane Bioassay and avoidance response studies of sodium fluoride using four species of teleost fishes as test animals. M.S., Zoology  1968 Y1968 .S55
Talaro, Arthur Seasonal variations in the adrenal gland of the black-tailed jackrabbit in southeastern Idaho. M.S., Zoology  1968 Y1968 .T35
Warr, Glenn Allen L-Alanine induced germination of bacillus subtilis endospores. M.S., Microbiology  1968 Y1968 .W37
Winger, Parley Vernon Invertebrates drift in two mountain streams. M.S., Zoology  1968 Y1968 .W56
LaBar, George W. Parasitic fauna of Catostomus ardens Jordan and Gilbert (1881) in southeastern Idaho. M.S., Zoology  1967 Y1967 .L33
Lainhart, Richard D. Ecology of Chaoborus flavicans (Meigen) in McCammon Pond, Bannock County, Idaho. (Diptera: Chaoboridae). M.S., Zoology 1967 Y1967 .L35
Autenrieth, Robert E. Behavior and socialization of pronghorn fawns. M.S., Zoology 1966 Y1966 .A87
Ball, Dennis Lee Parasitic helminths of the mule deer, Odocoileus hemionus, from Owyhee County, Idaho. M.S., Zoology 1966 Y1966 .B35
Moellmer, William Otto Preliminary limnological survey of a lava sink pond (McCammon Pond). M.S., Zoology  1966 Y1966 .M64
Chan, Yu-lin Enzymatic degradation of a polysaccharide from an O antigen of Citrobacter freundii. M.S., Microbiology  1965 Y1965 .C44
Martin, Donald Gene Some physicochemical and biological properties of sonically treated Vi antigen. M.S., Microbiology 1965 Y1965 .M37
Purnell, Dallas Michael Some physical and biological properties of an endotoxin from Citrobacter freundii 5396/38. M.S., Microbiology  1965 Y1965 .P87