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Biological Sciences Thesis & Dissertation Archive

2029-2020   |   2019-2010   2009-2000  1999-1990  1989-1980  1979-1970   1969-1965

ISU Panorama. Photo by Chuck Peterson.

The Department of Biological Sciences at Idaho State University is committed to communicating the relevance of our research to the public, research sponsors and collaborators, and commercial partners. This archive includes the novel research produced by our students as they pursued their graduate education and includes Master Theses and Doctoral Dissertations. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by the authors. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.
2029-2020: 22 with 2 Ph.D., 2 D.A., and 18 M.S.

2029  2028    2027    2026   |   2025 |   2024    2023   |  2022  |  2021  |  2020

Author Title Degree Electronic Submission OR Call Number
Jossie, Elizabeth   M.S., Biology  
Starkey, Jeremy   M.S., Biology  
Badger, Reagan  Evaluating Systemic Effects of Synthetic Flaxseed Lignan LFM2605 in a Murine Mode  B.S./M.S., Microbiology 


Brinkley, Rachel Estimating Historical Sockeye Salmon Abundance Using Stable Isotopes and Nitrogen Budgets of Central Idaho Lakes M.S., Biology Y2021.B1972
Ditzig, Zachary Plasminogen: Binding and Activation on Mesothelial Cell Surface M.S., Microbiology Y2021.D1961
Hill, Sophie   D.A., Biology Y2021.H 
Jackson, Daniel   M.S., Microbiology Y2021.J
Kerner, Patricia Harnessing the Soil Microbiome for Sustainable Agriculture using Biochar as a Soil Amendment: Mechanisms and Influential Factors M.S., Microbiology Y2021.K2004
Chadbourn, Abbi Quantifying the Impacts of Balsam Woolly Adelgid Infestation on Subalpine Fir at the Leading Eagle in Idaho and Utah M.S., Biology Y2020.C1886
Dudko, Jonathan   Ph.D., Biology  
Dudley, Ian Maladaptive Nest Site Selection and Reduced Nest Survival in Femail Sage-Grouse Following Wildfire M.S., Biology Y2020.D1852
Giltz, Dan Using Crowdsourced Data to Conserve Idaho's Amphibians and Reptiles M.S., Biology Y2020.G1835
Greeves, Scott Understanding expert and public perceptions of ecosystem services in the Portneuf Watershed, Idaho: Lessons for environmental planning M.S., Biology Y2020.G1951
Harrison, Patrick Proteogenomic Analysis of Genes and Enzymes Involved in Arsenic Resistance and Respiration by Thermus sp. AO3C M.S., Biology Y2020.H1883
Kline, Benjamen   M.S., Biology  
MacNeille, Ruth Quantifying Patterns and Processes of Intermittent Stream Biogeochemistry and Introductory STEM Classroom Behavior D.A., Biology Y2020.M1937
McFarland, Averi Manganese and Zinc: Regulators of capsule biosynthesis in Streptococcus pneumoniae M.S., Microbiology Y2020.M1851
Meyerpeter, Mary Augmenting Greater Sage-Grouse Populations Through Translocation M.S., Biology Y2020.M1936
Miller, Paige   M.S., Biology  
Owens, Hope Spatial and temporal ranges of resource exploitation by stream-dwelling cutthroat trout M.S., Biology


Ringelman, Annelise   M.S., Biology  
Whitaker- Fornek, Jessica Embryonic Origins of Central Chemosensitivity in the Avian Hindbrain: role of chloride in neurodevelopmental "switches" in the pH response and recovery of neutral activity during pH stress Ph.D., Biology


Whitworth, Ryan   M.S., Biology  
2019-2010: 143 with 26 Ph.D., 8 D.A., and 109 M.S.

2019  2018    2017    2016   |   2015 |   2014    2013   |  2012  |  2011  |  2010

Author Title Degree Electronic Submission OR Call Number
Bayless-Edwards, Aurora Vegetation community classification, mapping, and modeling on the Snake River Plain M.S., Biology  Y2019.B801
Bayless-Edwards, Landon From Molecule to Cell: Using Electrophysiology and Multi-Scale Modelling to Understand How NAv1.4 Controls Electrical Excitability  M.S., Biology  Y2019.B738
Camp, Ryann Utilizing metal bridge formation to investigate Domain I residue interaction during activation and inactivation in voltage-gated sodium channel,hNav1.4. M.S., Biology Y2019.C795
Eckersell, Adam An Investigation of Relational Values in River Social-Ecological Systems  M.S., Biology  Y2019.E786
Feldman, Cody Predicting the distribution of Yellowstone cutthroat trout based on a spatial stream network of the Snake River watershed M.S., Biology Y2019.F818
Glossner, Kayla Transport and Fluxes of Suspended Sediment and Carbon Across Multiple Spatio-Temporal Scales in a Semi-Arid Region  M.S., Biology  Y2019.G
Harris, Becca Neuroanatomy of Individual Finger Control in the American Bullfrog, Lithobates catesbeianus M.S., Biology  Y2019.H1838
Lubenow, Dayne Dissociation between forest productivity and snowpack: a 25-year investigation into the Intermountain West M.S., Biology Y2019.L778
Mathews, Steven Ecology of Reintroduced Columbian Sharptailed Grouse to Northern Nevada and Implications for Restoring Lekking Grouse via Translocation Ph.D. Biology Y2019.M
Millard, Alyssa Assessing stream restoration: ecosystem function and stakeholders' perspectives M.S., Biology Y2019.M774
Newton, Freya Phylogenetic Diversity and Abundance in Bacterial Communities in Antarctic Meltwater Ponds  M.S., Biology  Y2019.N769
Nicolae, Verona Assessing social behavior of juvenile zebrafish after chronic exposure to psychiatric drugs carbamazepine (CBZ) and fluoxetine (FLX)  M.S., Biology  Y2019.N768
Pavlick, Kayla Training American Cockroaches to Locate Narcotics M.S., Biology Y2019.P766
Roberts, Katherine Investigating Local Plant Food Systems Through Stable Isotope Analyses   M.S., Biology Y2019.R760
Shrum, Celena The Relationship Between Halotolerance and Ionizing Radiation Resistance of Antarctic Bacteria M.S., Microbiology Y2019.S750
Zorio, Stephanie Integrated Ecology: From classroom to alpine summit  D.A., Biology Y2019.Z
Adams, McKenna Emergence Phenology of the Giant Salmonfly and Responses by Bird in Idaho River Networks  M.S., Biology  Y2018.A805
Augustine, Steven Programmed to grow, not to survive: a tale of carbon safety margins and hydraulic demise in 1st-year seedlings  M.S., Biology Y2018.A600
Braun, Janet Comparison of Bacterial Phylogenetic Diversity in Rat Fecal Pellets and Cecum & Probiotic and Antioxidant Treatment Effects on Bacterial Community Composition M.S., Microbiology Y2018.B603
Bush, David Incubation Behavior and Genetic Attributes of Trumpeter Swans Restored to Grays Lake National Wildlife Refuge  M.S., Biology Y2018.B717
Esterbrook, Arin Isolation and Characterization of Lytic Bacteriophage from Bovine Feces Effective Against Salmonella enterica M.S., Microbiology Y2018.E612
Gibson, Dainee Characterizing and prioritizing land trust conservation easements through a social-ecological systems framework M.S., Biology Y2018.G615
Hodonu, Ayokunle Novel Interactions between Estradiol, Progesterone, and Insulin Regulate Uterine Glycogen Metabolism in the American Mink (Neovison vison) D.A., Biology Y2018.H618
Macek, Carolyn
Dynamics and Disconnects: Macronutrient Cycling in Ephemeral Constructed Stormwater Wetlands and National Patterns in Stormwater Management M.S., Biology Y2018.M683
Sharma, Harmandeep Variation of carbon and water fluxes in sagebrush communities that constitute the vast, but not homogeneous sagebrush landscapes: Evidence from leaf to ecosystem scales. Ph.D., Biology Y2019.S751
Shrestha, Kshitij  Investigating knockdown resistance mutations in Ochlerotatus flavescens and Aedes vexans mosquitos in Bannock County, Idaho  M.S., Biology Y2018.S734 
Stalder, Sarah A murky problem, a clear opportunity: Reach-scale metabolism reveals longitudinal heterogeneity in a semi-arid agriculture stream in SE Idaho  M.S., Biology Y2018.S696
Behn, Kathrine E.
The Trophic Ecology of a Desert River Fish Assemblage: Influence of Season and Hydrologic Variability M.S., Biology Y2017.B506
Chong, Cordelia Evidence-based Design and Development of Interactive Learning Units: A Museum Case Study D.A., Biology Y2017.C482 
Condo, Theresa What causes lower treeline? Hydraulic strategies of Douglas-fir along an elevation gradient M.S., Biology Y2017.C565
Dudko, Jonathan E. Incubation Recess Behavior and Nest Site Selection of Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in the Great Basin M.S., Biology Y2017.H513
Eaton, Kendra Connections or Containers: Using Genetic Data to Understand How Watershed Evolution and Human Activities May Influence Cutthroat Trout Biogeography M.S., Biology Y2017.E484
Finkbeiner, Marie Mechanistic Insight into Taurine’s Role in Reducing Nonenzymatic Glycation  B.S./M.S., Biology Y2017.F515 
Hammon, Jordan Antibody and Antigen Detection in Blastomyces dermatitidis M.S., Microbiology Y2017.H517 
Huber, David Precipitation Timing and Soil Control Volumes Regulate Carbon and Nutrient Cycling in Cold Desert Ecosystems Ph.D., Biology Y2017.H490
Johnson, Anders Proteogenomic Studies on Extracellular Electron Transport in the Iron-Respiring Thermophilic Bacterium, Thermus sp. AO3C   M.S., Biology Y2017.J503
Li, Jing Jing Effects of Mutations in the C-Loop Of α3β2- Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor on Ligand Binding  M.S., Biology Y2017.L581
O’Hearn, Pamela P. Bilateral Asymmetry in Avian Testicular Morphology and Function Ph.D., Biology Y2017.O535
Robson, Kelsey An Evaluation of Digital Storytelling as a Novel Approach to Science Communication and Education D.A., Biology Y2017.R498
Schenk,  Matthew V. Of Fire, Food, and Fish: Fish Productivity Responses to Wildfire M.S., Biology Y2017.S540
Wiscaver, Pamela Characterization of Lytic Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia Coli Bacteriophage Isolated from Bovine Feces  M.S., Microbiology  Y2017.W592
Bowman, Kole Justin The Effects of Estradiol and Progesterone on Uterine Glycogen Metabolism in the American Mink (Neovison Vison) M.S., Biology Y2016.B341
Gilmer, John Insight into the Effects of Mesothelial Cell Autoantibodies M.S., Biology Y2016.G391
Goodnoe, Taylor Tamiko  Facultative Environmental Sex Determinations in Ceratopteris richardii Gametophytes: Characterization and Implications for Plasticity of Resource Allocation M.S., Biology Y2016.G388
Haldorson, Michael T.  Possible Roles of Cysteine Residues in the Structure and Function of Exoenzyme Y from Pseudomonas aeruginosa M.S., Biology Y2016.H392
Hanson, Robert The Cell Regulatory Systems Affected by Asbestos-induced Induced Mesothelial Cell Autoantibodies M.S., Biology Y2016.H342
Harnsberger, Aaron Micro-Computed Tomography Analysis of Developing Carollia perspicillata and Interdigital Expression of "Cyp26b1", a Potential Digit Patterning Gene M.S., Biology Y2016.H431
Hill, Roy Insular Biogeography and Population Genetics of Dwarf Mistletoe (Arceuthobium americanum) M.S., Biology Y2016.H389
Latta, Alicia M.  The Genetics of Metamorphosis: Expression Profile Across Three Life Stages in Lithobates catesbeianus Shows the Enrichment of 29 Gene Sets Using Rotational Gene Set Testing M.S., Biology Y2016.L390
Long, Roger Nitrogen Dynamics in the Sagebrush Steppe: Anthropogenic Fluxes Affect Shrub-Steppe Plant Communities M.S., Biology Y2016.L427
Pacioretty, Maria T.  Living in the Phantom Gas Field: Physiological Responses of Artemisia tridentata to Experimental-Noise-Induced Changes in Arthropod Herbivory M.S., Biology Y2016.P457
Schwabedissen, Stacy Gayle  Nitrogen Fixation by Biological Soil Crusts and Their Communities: Climatic and Grazing Controls M.S., Biology Y2016.S393
Striluk, Miranda L.  Terrestrial Biome and Seasonal Effects on the Abundance of Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria in the Lower Atmosphere M.S., Biology Y2016.S394
Thalmann, Johanna Claire  Analysis of Sexual Segregation in Bison and the Productivity of Vegetation on Antelope Island State Park M.S., Biology Y2016.T432
Christensen, Leasha M.  Bacterial Population Differences in Mus musculus Cecum in Response to Probiotic Administration M.S., Biology Y2015.C249
Chung, Cheng-Han  Genome Characterization of Novel Bacillus Cereus-Group Infecting Bacteriophages M.S., Biology Y2015.C304
Curran, Lindsay M.  Physiological and Structural Responses of Low Sagebrush (Artemisia arbuscula) to Warming and Snowpack Removal in a Montane Meadow M.S., Biology Y2015.C240
Heinrich, Kaleb K. Multiple Stressors and Multiple Invaders in Linked Stream-Riparian Ecosystems: Combined Research and Pedagogy Contributions D.A., Biology  Y2015.H296
Kaushik, Gaurav  The Potential Association of Psychoactive Pharmaceuticals at Low Concentrations with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Ph.D., Biology Y2015.K222
Lee, Brady D. Network Interaction in the Thermoacidophile Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius in Response to Different Complex Carbon Sources Ph.D., Biology Y2015.L290
Mayo, Jamie Nadine  Stimulating a Microvascular Cell for Cell Therapy Applications: Pericyte Potential for Manipulating Central Nervous System Vasculature Ph.D., Biology  Y2015.M334
McAbee, Kathryn  How Do Long-Term Changes in Precipitation Seasonality Affect Dryland Carbon Dynamics? Evidence From a 21-Year Manipulative Climate-Change Experiment M.S., Biology Y2015.M241
Rasmussen, Ashelee  A Digital Flora of Southeastern Idaho M.S., Biology Y2015.R242
Thibeault, Cassie L. Investigating the Involvement of Eukaryotic Host Factors in the Translocation of the Tetanus Toxin M.S., Biology Y2015.T250
Von Moler, Ehren Reid Fungal Ecology of Whitebark Pine Phyllospheres in the Southern Cascades M.S., Biology Y2015.M305
Wright, Joshua  Isolation and Characterization of Immunoreactive Components of Blastomyces dermatitidis Yeast Lysate Antigens M.S., Biology Y2015.W311
Zorio, Stephanie D.  Analysis of Temporal Change in High-Elevation Plant Community Composition, East River Basin, Colorado, USA M.S., Biology Y2015.Z243
Astle, Joshua Tol The Effects of Estradiol and Progesterone on Cytochrome P-450 (CYP) 1A1 and CYP 1B1 Enzyme Activity in Immortalized Mink Uterine Epithelial Cells M.S., Biology Y2014.A163
Collins, Scott F.  The ecological importance of subsidies from salmon to stream-riparian ecosystems: An experimental test and implications for approaches to nutrient mitigation Ph.D., Biology Y2014.C207
Davis, Katrina Cassidy  Static Weight Distribution on Dry Land and Gait Characteristics and Heart Rate Response of Healthy Dogs During Partial-Water Immersion on a Treadmill M.S., Biology Y2014.D169
Dean, Matthew  Uterine Glycogen during Pregnancy in Mink (Neovison vison): Mediating the Effects of Estradiol Ph.D., Biology Y2014.D185
Hofstetter, Katrina S.  Fibroblast Growth Factor Diversity in the Developing Bat Limb M.S., Biology Y2014.H170
Madrid, Michael V.  Characterization of the Novel Bacterial Adenylyl Cyclase Effector, Exoy M.S., Microbiology Y2014.M192
Matsaw, Sammy Barriers to Movement and Habitat Availability Influence Genetic Variation in Populations of Westslope Cutthroat Trout M.S., Biology >Y2014.M205
Villepique, Jeffrey Todd Environmental Variation, not Risk of Predation, Drives the Spatial Ecology of Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Ph.D., Biology  Y2014.V157
Allison, Tiffany Rose Blastomyces dermatitidis: immunodiagnosis, antigen stability and In silico modeling for drug discover M.S., Microbiology Y2013.A44
Blackadar, Ryan J. Winter ecology of a wilderness river: effects of ice disturbance and subsidies of ungulate carcasses on aquatic food webs M.S., Biology Y2013.B43
Carroll, Andrew Anatomical descriptions of developing hypoglossal motoneurons in Rana clamitans and Rana catesbeiana through metamorphosis and the kinematics of prey capture in newly metamorphosed Rana catesbeiana M.S., Biology Y2013.C37
Chen, Cheng-Hung Investigating knockdown resistance mutations in Ochlerotatus flavescens and Aedes vexans mosquitos in Bannock County, Idaho Ph.D., Biology YB2013.C54
Collingwood, Amanda M. Inhibition of growth of Phytophthora erythroseptica by extracellular compounds produced by gamma proteobacteria M.S., Biology Y2013.C63
Cornell, Jennifer J. Investigation of the effects of recreational land use on the stream ecosystem of an urban fringe watershed M.S., Biology Y2013.C67
Ford, Matthew W. Investigations in microbial stress tolerance: a multi-system approach M.S., Microbiology Y2013.F67
Guernsey, Noelle Choahnna Rates of decomposition and nutrient release of moose inputs are driven by habitat microsite characteristics. M.S., Biology Y2013.G84
Harris, Hannah E. Disturbance cascade: how fire and debris flows affect headwater linkages to downstream and riparian ecosystems M.S., Biology Y2013.H37
Li, Zhen. Exploring shiga toxin's vector and its function in Escherichia coli and protozoan predator populations Ph.D., Biology YB2013.L50
Long, Ryan Andrew Linking climatic variability to behavior and fitness of herbivores: a bioenergetic approach Ph.D., Biology YB2013.L65
Mayo, Jamie Nadine Homocysteine's effect on microvasculature via inducible nitric oxide synthase M.S., Biology Y2013.M39
O'Neill, Becky Characterization of the Stochastic Relationship of Poecilochirus (Mites) to Nicrophorus (Beetles) Using Stable Isotope Analysis M.S., Biology Y2013.O115
Roberts, Jessica Optimization of the alpha 3 beta 2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor expression system M.S., Biology Y2013.R61
Serve, Kinta M. Mesothelial cell autoantibodies induce collagen deposition In Vitro & using a case study to introduce undergraduates to bioinformatics D.A., Biology YB2013.S47
Zebedeo, Christian Nash Mineral fiber immunotoxicology: induction of autoimmunity by erionite M.S., Biology Y2013.Z42
Blakney, Jason R. Historical connectivity and contemporary isolation: population genetic structure or a rare high-desert minnow, the Northern Leatherside Chub (Lepidomeda copei) M.S., Biology  Y2012.B46
Bonn, Kenneth. Resistance of the novel halovirus GSL1 to extreme conditions M.S., Biology  Y2012.B65
Campbell, Steven O. Jr. Bioenergetic estimate of habitat quality for salmonids in streams enriched with a salmon carcass analog M.S., Biology  Y2012.C34
Cherry, Merrit. Radiation resistance and phylogenetic analysis of extremophilic organisms isolated from antarctic hypersaline pond mat samples M.S., Microbiology  Y2012.C455
Emfield, Gregory Scott Morphometric and molecular analysis of limb development in bats M.S., Biology  Y2012.E44
Gygli, Patrick E. Role of replication protein a in the radiation-resistance of Halobacterium salinarum SSp. NRC-1 Ph.D., Microbiology  YB2012.G95
Hallock, Peter B. Network-based investigation of the genetic and cellular mechanisms of Alzheimer's disease Ph.D., Biology  YB2012.H34
Hatch, Wayne O. Development of a slide agglutination assay for the detection of blastomycosis teaching bioinformatics using an online case study D.A., Biology  YB2012.H37
Howe, Kristy B. Selection for anthropogenic structures and vegetation characteristics by common ravens (Corvus corax) within a sagebrush-steppe ecosystem M.S., Biology  Y2012.H69
Hunt, Jason Lynn Effects of estradiol and catechol estrogens on uterine glycogen metabolism in the mink (Neovison vison) Ph.D., Biology  YB2012.H84
Lendrum, Patrick Earl Migration patterns of adult female mule deer in response to natural gas extraction M.S., Biology  Y2012.L45
Lockhart, J. Scott Impact of single-stranded DNA-binding protein gene expression on microbial radiation tolerance M.S., Microbiology  Y2012.L62
Lockyer, Zachary B. Greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) nest predators, nest survival, and nesting habitat at multiple spatial scales M.S., Biology  Y2012.L63
Marcum, Ryan D. Expression and function of glutamate receptors on B1a B cells and their role in autoimmunity M.S., Microbiology  Y2012.M37
McCaskill, Julienne S. Investigating the role of one replication protein A homolog in Halobacterium salinarum ssp. NRC-1 M.S., Microbiology  Y2012.M44
Morris, Benjamin M. Phenotypic variance in deinococcus radiodurans R1: a model for persistence M.S., Microbiology  Y2012.M67
Santin, Angela Elizabeth Characterization, quantification, and dietary effects on long-term biomarkers of glycemia in rainbow trout and other fish species M.S., Biology  Y2012.S26
Searle, Amanda J. Blastomyces dermatitidis: chitinase homology modeling, inhibition, and antigen detection for diagnosis M.S., Microbiology  Y2012.S42
Shumway, Matt Directed evolution of a family 42 beta-galactosidase M.S., Biology  Y2012.S51
Takahasi, Masaru Dynamics of the interactions between big sagebrush (Artemisa tridentata l.) and its associated arthropods in southeastern Idaho: food webs and effects of herbivory in a changing climate Ph.D., Biology  YB2012.T35
Thiel, Jessie Rose Forage selection by maternal mule deer: body condition of maternal females, and birth characteristics and survival of neonates M.S., Biology  Y2012.T54
Wagley, Prajwal Investigation of charged residues in the cytoplasmic linker between domains III and IV of a voltage-gated sodium channel as a voltage sensor. M.S., Biology  Y2012.W35
Beard, Richard Scott, Jr. Mechanisms for homocysteine-mediated cerebral endothelial damage Ph.D., Biology YB2011.B41
Bellmore, James Ryan Ecological importance of floodplains in montane river networks: implications for habitat restoration and salmon recovery Ph.D., Biology YB2011.B44
Billman, Hilary Gray Investigating effects of the piscicide rotenone on amphibians in southwestern Montana through laboratory experiments and field trials M.S., Biology Y2011.B54
Donner, Kevin Christopher Secondary production rates, consumption rates, and trophic basis of production of fishes in the Colorado River, Grand Canyon, AZ: an assessment of potential competition for food M.S., Biology  Y2011.D65
Fisher, Amanda E. Phylogenetic studies of plastid evolution in the neotropical woody bamboo genus Chusquea (Poaceae: Bambusoideae: Bambuseae) Ph.D., Biology  YB2011.F58
Hall, Carrie L. Burying beetle bioacoustics: the role of sound in intra- and interspecific communication in Nicrophorus (Coleoptera: Silphidae) Ph.D., Biology YB2011.H34
Hayden, James J. Comparative antibody detection studies using isoelectrically focused protein fractions from Blastomyces dermatitidis M.S., Biology  Y2011.H39
Monteith, Kevin Lee Life-history characteristics of mule deer: the pervasive effects of nutrition on survival, reproduction, and behavior in a variable environment Ph.D., Biology  YB2011.M65
Park, Shawna T. Characterization of the bacterial microflora on the skin of boreal toads and Columbia spotted frogs in the Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming USA M.S., Microbiology  Y2011.P37
Pennell, Ellen S. Parental investment in burying beetles (Nicrophorus investigator): influence of seasonal timing and prior experience; Efficacy of minimally guided instructional strategies in K-12 and undergraduate science classrooms: a meta-analysis / D.A., Biology YB2011.P45
Shrestha, Nisha Effect of farnesol on abscisic acid signaling and flower development in Arabidopsis M.S., Biology  Y2011.S57
Yang, Luobin High performance and high throughput bioinformatics: accelerate time-consuming bioinformatics applications and extract knowledge from large amounts of biological data Ph.D., Biology  YB2011.Y25
Zelent, Caroline M. Comparative immunological analysis of antigenic preparations of Blastomyces dermatitidis M.S., Microbiology  Y2011.Z44
Adomako, Marie Efficacy of oral DNA vaccine delivery systems for the protection of rainbow trout against infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus infection M.S., Microbiology  Y2010.A36
Albano, Heidi Relationship of bromus tectorum to the plant community and soil nutrient cycling at Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve, Idaho M.S., Biology  Y2010.A42
Anderson, Eric Dwaine Winter habitat selection by female mule deer: do changes in habitat spatially and temporally affect selection? M.S., Biology Y2010.A54
Andrews, Michelle Biochemical characterization of protein prenyltransferases in Arabidopsis thaliana: a straightforward explanation of mutant phenotypes M.S., Biology Y2010.A56
Bauder, Javan M. Movements and habitat selection of prairie rattlesnakes (crotalus v. viridis) across a mountainous landscape in a designated wilderness area. M.S., Biology  Y2010.B38
Bechtold, Heather A. Investigation of the response of carbon and nutrient dynamics to human land use in the Portneuf River Watershed Ph.D., Biology YB2010.B42
Benjamin, Joseph R. Replacement of a native salmonid by a nonnative salmonid in the western United States: changes in trout production and consequences for stream-riparian food webs Ph.D., Biology  YB2010.B45
Bhandari, Jayaram Farnesol dehydrogenase in Arabidopsis thaliana: characterization, regulation, and involvement in abscisic acid signaling M.S., Biology  Y2010.B52
Buffington, Kevin John Predicting climate-induced shifts in burying beetle distributions: integrating niche partitioning, competition, and thermal performance M.S., Biology  Y2010.B85
Ellis, Joshua T. Isolation and characterization of novel and physiologically distinct biomass-converting microorganisms M.S., Biology  Y2010.E44
Hansen, Shannalee Christman Group II introns: utility as phylogenetic estimators in bamboos M.S., Biology Y2010.H33
Hoover, Amber Relationships between soil heterogeneity and vegetation recovery in sagebrush steppe following wildfire and wind erosion M.S., Biology  Y2010.H66
Leatham, Bryan Halophilic adaptations demonstrated through the characterization of an unusual tRNA synthetase and salt effects on radiation resistance M.S., Microbiology  Y2010.L43
Mineau, Madeleine Effects of Russian olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia) invasion on stream nitrogen cycling, organic matter dynamics, and food webs Ph.D., Biology YB2010.M55
Patterson, Ryan N. Characterization of a halovirus from the Great Salt Lake M.S., Biology 2010. Y2010.P391
Puljan, Daniel Charles Role of the M. submentalis in the feeding biomechanics of the marine toad, Bufo marinus M.S., Biology 2010. Y2010.P84
Rasmussen, Devon L. Asbestos and autoimmunity: cross-talk between macrophages and B1a B lymphocytes M.S., Microbiology Y2010.R38
Sigurani, Avin Seventh sense: sensorimotor patterns in brain stem reticular formation and nuclei of the frog, Rana pipiens M.S., Biology Y2010.S53
2009-2000: 172 with 27 Ph.D., 20 D.A., and 125 M.S.

2009    2008    2007    2006   |   2005 |   2004    2003   |  2002  |  2001  |  2000

Author Title Degree Year Call Number
Anderson, Noah J. Biomechanics of feeding and neck motion in the softshell turtle, Apalone spinifera, Rafinesque D.A., Biology 2009 YB2009 .A53
Anderson, Sharee Selection of nest site by temperature to maintain the sex ratio in the leopard gecko, Eublepharis macularius; &, Determining the stage of egg oviposition in the leopard gecko, Eublepharis macularius D.A., Biology 2009 YB2009 .A57
Atwood, M. Paul Interactions between mule deer and elk on winter range at the Tex Creek Wildlife Management area, Idaho M.S., Biology 2009 Y2009 .A88
Baviskar, Sandhya N. Molecular genetic approach to the functional analysis of a regulatory protein in Dictyostelium discoideum & research on assessments and constructivism in science education D.A., Biology 2009 YB2009 .B39
Bolinger, Mark Glycogenolytic activity in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) liver, ventricle, and white muscle tissue M.S., Biology 2009 Y2009 .B64
Gehret, Kelly Ray Jr. Histoarchitecture of the sole pad in the hallucal-metatarsophalangeal region of the hominoid foot M.S., Biology 2009 Y2009 .G45
Gillette, Gifford. Post-release performance of mountain quail translocated to the northeastern periphery of the historic range M.S., Biology 2009 Y2009 .G55
Gojayeva, Aynur E. Effect of thalidomide on angiogenesis of the vasculature in developing chicken limb buds M.S., Biology 2009 Y2009 .G65
Hill, Judson Patrick Ecophysiological characteristics associated with plant-soil water relations that contribute to the success of the invasive forb Centaurea maculosa M.S., Biology 2009 Y2009 .H54
Hillyard, Ryan W. Characteristics of summer thermal habitat and use by Bonneville cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii utah) in regulated and un-regulated segments of a river system M.S., Biology 2009 Y2009 .H56
Jackson, James Arthur Evaluation of the recovery of microbial populations in a trichloroethene-contaminated environment after thermal treatment M.S., Biology 2009 Y2009 .J33
Janzen, Brandy Annual and seasonal fluctuations in species composition of sagebrush steppe in response to experimental manipulations of precipitation and soil profiles M.S., Biology 2009 Y2009 .J35
Kaiser, Sara E. Relationships of the invasive plant, Sisymbrium altissimum l., with the plants and butterflies of Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve M.S., Biology 2009 Y2009 .K35
Manandhar, Mandira Comparative studies on α-(1, 3)-glucan in Blastomyces dermatitidis yeast lysate antigens and use of the lysates for the detection of antibodies M.S., Microbiology 2009 Y2009 .M35
Mandal, Rakesh Anatomical organization of brainstem circuits mediating feeding motor programs and identification of muscle spindles in the submentalis muscle of the marine toad, Bufo marinus M.S., Biology 2009 Y2009 .M36
Metzger, Kelsey J. Phylogenetic and molecular analysis of human CC motif chemokine receptors; and, Molecular evolution analysis of highly conserved sex-determining genes in amniotic vertebrates D.A., Biology 2009 YB2009 .M48
Naegle, Erin Rochelle Patterns of thinking about phylogenetic trees: a study of student learning and the potential of tree thinking to improve comprehension of biological concepts D.A., Biology 2009 YB2009 .N34
Parsons, Susan Bancroft Landscape genetics of Great Basin rattlesnakes, Crotalus oreganus lutosus, on the Idaho National Laboratory M.S., Biology 2009 Y2009 .P27
Prevéy, Janet. Loss of foundation species and invasion by exotic plants in sagebrush steppe: the role of soil water partitioning M.S., Biology 2009 Y2008 .P74
Shurtliff, Quinn R. Genetic, behavioral, and ecological dynamics of a woodrat hybrid zone (genus Neotoma) in Southern California Ph. D., Biology 2009 YB2009 .S57
Thorne, John Wayne De novo design and construction of a knockout gene for the ApcA cytochrome in acidiphilium cryptum JF-5 M.S., Microbiology 2009 Y2009 .T58
Troy, Ronald J. Survival of mountain quail (Oreortyx pictus) translocated to south-central Idaho from two distinct source populations M.S., Biology 2009 Y2009 .T76
Bansal, Sheel. Role of carbon balance during the establishment of conifer trees in the timberline ecotone Ph. D., Biology 2008 YB2008 .B35
Blackmore, William Sidney Effects of thermal treatment on an actively dechlorinating microbial community within a chlorinated solvent-contaminated groundwater system M.S., Biology 2008 Y2008 .B52
Cambrin, Scott. Body condition and over-winter survival in neonatal rattlesnakes: an experimental test M.S., Biology 2008 Y2008 .C34
Chaudhari, Kritika. Role of sex and endothelial nitric oxide synthase in modulating the expression of cystathionine gamma-lyase in heart, brain, and skeletal muscle of mouse M.S., Biology 2008 Y2008 .C45
Hatch, Wayne O. Comparison of colorimetric and chemiluminescent ELISAs for the detection of antibodies to Blastomyces dermatitidis M.S., Microbiology 2008 Y2008 .H37
Hilliard, David Preston Modeling and mapping reptile distributions at the Idaho National Laboratory M.S., Biology  2008 Y2008 .H54
Jones, Jason Leon "tail" of two streams: factors influencing Rocky Mountain tailed frog (Ascaphus montanus) tadpole distribution and abundance in Idaho and Montana M.S., Biology 2008 Y2008 .J66
Kavran, Christina Establishing the link between antibiotic and radiation persistence in Escherichia coli M.S., Biology 2008 Y2008 .K37
King, Tracey Ann, Predictive GIS model of bushy-tailed woodrat (Neotoma cinerea) range and preliminary model of its habitat within the conterminous United States M.S., Biology 2008 Y2008 .K55
Kumasaka, Debra K. Investigating the role of caspase-mediated cleavage of the amyloid precursor protein following overexpression of Bcl-2 in a novel transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease M.S., Biology 2008 Y2008 .K75
Liu, Chang. Phylogenetic investigations in Myoporum (Scrophulariaceae: Myoporeae): sequence analysis of one nuclear and six chloroplast loci M.S., Biology  2008 Y2008 .L58
Malison, Rachel L. Effects of wildfire on aquatic insect assemblages, emerging adult insects, and riparian consumers in a wilderness watershed M.S., Biology  2008 Y2008 .M34
Mohan, Nishant. Domain-specific regulation of deactivation in skeletal muscle sodium channels M.S., Biology  2008 Y2008 .M64
Rudebusch, Faith Impact of the introduction of cattle on the food web of Sanak Island, AK M.S., Biology  2008 Y2008 .R91
Schoen, Sarah K. Interactions of people, foxes, and birds in the Aleutian Islands: the case of the Sanak Archipelago, Alaska M.S., Biology  2008 Y2008 .S36
Sheeley, Nicole Ann Evolutionary trends in enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli: interactions between the bacterial chromosome and temperate Shiga toxin-transducing phage M.S., Biology  2008 Y2008 .S55
Smidt, Scott Does harassment by unpaired males influence egg-laying behavior in the damselfly Enallagma boreale? D.A., Biology 2008 YB2008 .S26
Todd, Sarra L. Trophic biomass and abundance relationships in streams of the Panther Creek Watershed, Idaho: implications for drift-feeding fishes M.S., Biology 2008 Y2008 .T62
Whiting, Jericho Condie Behavior and ecology of reintroduced Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep Ph. D., Biology  2008 YB2008 .W45
Battiprolu, Pavan Kumar Sex differences in cardiac function and glucose metabolism in immature rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Ph. D., Biology  2007 YB2007 .B27
Briggs, Brandon R. Characterization of biofilm formation in Acidiphilium cryptum JF-5 M.S., Microbiology  2007 Y2007 .B73
Bruer, Sarah E. J. Epidemiology of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in the boreal toad (Bufo boreas boreas) M.S., Biology  2007 Y2007 .B77
Clingenpeel, Scott R. Development and application of methods for bioremediation site assessment and monitoring involving toluene oxygenase pathways Ph. D., Biology 2007 YB2007 .C54
Coates, Peter S. Greater sage grouse (Centrocerus urophasianus) nest predation and incubation behavior Ph. D., Biology 2007 YB2007 .C62
Cook, Lawrence L. Cesium in soils and plants of the sagebrush steppe ecosystem Ph. D., Biology 2007 YB2007 .C66
Day, Mitchell D. Applications of comparative genomics to prokaryotic phylogenetics and metagenomics Ph. D., Biology 2007 YB2007 .D39
Hartle, R. Todd Collection of research reporting, theoretical analysis, and practical applications in science education: examining qualitative research methods, action research, educator-researcher partnerships, and constructivist learning theory D.A., Biology 2007 YB2007 .H27
Hopkins, Jessica M. Spatial and temporal evaluation of macroinvertebrate communities in the Portneuf River, Idaho; &, An inquiry-based field and laboratory exercise on in-stream leaf litter decay D.A., Biology 2007 YB2007 .H66
Jenkins, Christopher Ecology and conservation of rattlesnakes in sagebrush steppe ecosystems: landscape disturbance, small mammal communities, and Great Basin rattlesnake reproduction Ph. D., Biology 2007 YB2007 .J46
Johnson, Deborah Alongi Evolution of the monosaccharide transporter gene family in land plants Ph. D., Biology 2007 YB2007 .J63
Lamansky, James A. Use of hoop nets seeded with mature brook trout to capture conspecifics M.S., Biology 2007 Y2007 L35
Ledbetter, Rhesa N. Microbial life signatures: novel biogenic mineral production and enzyme detection in microorganisms M.S., Microbiology 2007 Y2007 .L43
Lee, James Eric. Detection methods and analysis of pathogenic genes in Escherichia coli Ph. D., Biology 2007 YB2007 .L43
Miller, Katie Erin G. Connectivity, relatedness, and winter roost ecology of Townsend's big-eared bat (Corynorhinus townsendii) M.S., Biology 2007 Y2007 .M55
Pontius, Kira E. Changes in reproductive strategy in response to elevation in a burying beetle M.S., Biology 2007 Y2007 .P66
Ray, Allison Elizabeth Discovery and characterization of a novel anaerobe with a potential role in bioremediation of metal-contaminated subsurface environments Ph. D., Biology 2007 YB2007 .R39
Relyea, Christina D. Fine inorganic sediment effects on stream macroinvertebrates Ph. D., Biology 2007 YB2007 .R44
Schroeder, Cody A. Sexual segregation and foraging ecology of Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep during winter M.S., Biology 2007 Y2007 .S37
Seiler, Meredith B. Subspecies and ecologically based categories predict morphological [sic] divergence among cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii ssp.) populations D.A., Biology 2007 YB2007 .S44
Seiler, Steven Michael Ecological and environmental investigations of competition between native Yellowstone cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii bouvieri), rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), and their hybrids Ph. D., Biology 2007 YB2007 .S45
Shurley, Jack F. Blastomyces dermatitidis: antigenic evaluation of yeast phase lysates Ph. D., Microbiology 2007 YB2007 .S58
Turek, Nichole Catherine Mechanisms and motivations in avian copulation M.S., Biology 2007 Y2007 .T87
Warwick, Joseph Nathanael Assessing functional bilateral asymmetry in chukar (Alectoris chukar) testes M.S., Biology 2007 Y2007 .W37
Whitney, Tiffany Jo. SAGE: a powerful technique used to analyze transcription profiles in lymphangioleiomyomatosis-derived cells and Dictyostelium amoeba Ph. D., Biology 2007 YB2007 .W47
Atkins, Brandon W. Utilization of a chemiluminescent substrate in ELISA methodology for detection of Blastomyces dermatitidis antibodies M.S., Microbiology 2006 Y2006 .A84
Bell, Kayce Chanay Historic and contemporary genetic patterns in desert-dwelling ground squirrels, subgenus Xerospermophilus M.S., Biology 2006 Y2006 .B44
Cotter, Paul A. Hemodynamics and the influence of anesthetics on the electrical properties of the rainbow trout heart D.A., Biology 2006 YB2006 .C67
Durtschi, Lynn S. Bystander effects in Schizosaccharomyces pombe M.S., Biology 2006 Y2006 .D87
Gilliland, Kimberly D. Effects of ancient Aleuts and contemporary introduced grazers on vegetation and soils of Sanak Island, AK M.S., Biology 2006 Y2006 .G54
Horton, Rene N. Characterization of psychrotolerant bacterial communities, isolates, and enzymes / by René N. Horton. Ph. D., Biology 2006 YB2006 .H67
Jochimsen, Denim Ecological effects of roads on herpetofauna: a literature review and empirical study examining seasonal and landscape influences on snake road mortality in eastern Idaho M.S., Biology 2006 Y2006 .J62
Knudsen, Jonathan Influence of prehistoric Aleut occupation on modern bird and mammal assemblages and the influence of raptors on the food web of Sanak, Alaska M.S., Biology 2006 Y2006 .K58
Li, Zhen Analyzing dissolved microbial DNA in aquifer water M.S., Microbiology 2006 Y2006 .L5
Lowe, Brad S. Greater sage grouse use of threetip sagebrush and seeded sagebrush steppe M.S., Biology 2006 Y2006 .L68
Petzke, Lynn M. Quantification of bacterial urease genes in the environment M.S., Biology 2006 Y2006 .P49
Rugenski, Amanda T. Effects of riparian fertilization with an ¹N-labelled tracer on stream processes in two Idaho streams M.S., Biology 2006 Y2006 .R83
Runck, Amy Marie After the ice: post-glacial colonization and hybridization in red-backed voles (genus Myodes) Ph. D., Biology 2006 YB2006 .R73
Schoby, Gregory P. Home range analysis of bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) and westslope cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi) in the Upper Salmon River Basin, Idaho M.S., Biology 2006 Y2006 .S36
Sestero, Christine M. Immunological and molecular characterization of Blastomyces dermatitidis isolates from multiple geographic locations Ph. D., Microbiology  2006 YB2006 .S47
Shaw, Jason Assessment of critical thinking skills in anatomy and physiology students who practice writing higher-order multiple-choice questions D.A., Biology  2006 YB2006 .S52
Smith, Jonathon R. Isolation and characterization of extremely radiation-resistant strains of the model archaeon Halobacterium sp. NRC-1 M.S., Microbiology  2006 Y2006 .S64
Sparks, Ivor Noa Clutch dynamics and incubation response to experimental partial clutch loss in American coots (Fulica americana) M.S., Biology  2006 Y2006 .S72
Yoo, Minchung Hip structure and locomotion in terrestrial ambulatory carnivores M.S., Biology  2006 Y2006 .Y66
Austin, Karen Emily Skeletal adaptations in Bison latifrons to accommodate larger horn cores and vertebral sexual dimorphism in Bison bison D.A., Biology  2005 YB2005 .A97
Bechtold, Heather A. Distribution of total carbon, total nitrogen, and nitrogen mineralization pools following shrub removal and nitrogen additions in sagebrush steppe M.S., Biology  2005 Y2005 .B42
Daw, Kelli Jo Effects of sex and food deprivation on energy substrates in tissues of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) M.S., Biology 2005 Y2005 .D38
Doering, Sarah Cooper Modeling rattlesnake hibernacula at the Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho M.S., Biology  2005 Y2005 .D63
Gerrish, Robert S. Bacterial hosts of EHEC virulence genes M.S., Microbiology  2005 Y2005 .G47
Leeseberg, Christopher Arthur Prey size and abundance and temperature as predictors of growth efficiency for stream-dwelling cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki) M.S., Biology  2005 Y2005 .L43
Qvarnemark, Linda M. Guild-specific effects of granivores on the temporal and spatial dynamics of a desert seed bank Ph. D., Biology 2005 YB2005 .Q82
Ray, Andrew M. Physical, chemical, and Biological Interactions in Wetlands: A Case Study using Fairview Constructed Wetland in Southeastern Idaho Ph. D., Biology 2005 YB2005 .R39
Roomiany, Pahresah L. Morphological transition of Blastomyces dermatitidis from mycelia to yeast cells: the inhibitory effects of estrogen compounds M.S., Microbiology 2005 Y2005 .R66
Selfa, Nicola R. Investigation of radiation-induced bystander effects in the model signaling organism Dictyostelium discoideum M.S., Microbiology 2005 Y2005 .S47
Snyder, Reuben Nutrient spiraling uptake lengths and livestock-grazing effects in Idaho high-desert mountain streams M.S., Biology 2005 Y2006 .S71
Thompson, Mary Elizabeth Evolution of pacing in the family Camelidae Ph. D., Biology 2005 YB2005 .T46
Waltari, Eric Charles Evolution of high-latitude mammals: phylogeography and historical demography of arctic hares (Lepus spp.) and shrews of the Sorex cinereus complex Ph. D., Biology 2005 YB2005 .W34
DeRusseau, Sabrina N. Effects of bat-friendly gates on bat species richness and behavior M.S., Biology  2004 Y2004 .D47
DiCristina, Katherine M. Effects of neighboring vegetation and soil moisture on the establishment of mountain big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana) seedlings after fire in sagebrush steppe M.S., Biology  2004 Y2004 .D52
Hasselquist, Niles J. Interactions of fungal symbionts and conifer seedlings near alpine treeline M.S., Biology  2004 Y2004 .H37
Jenkins, Amy R. Net energy intake as a predictor of habitat quality for stream-dwelling Yellowstone cutthroat trout M.S., Biology  2004 Y2004 .J46
Lipscomb, Lyla. Creation of a genomic library of SN1, a bacteriophage specific for Sphaerotilus natans M.S., Biology  2004 Y2004 .L56
Maher, Eliza L. Effects of surrounding vegetation on the establishment of conifer seedlings in alpine treeline ecotones of the Rocky Mountains M.S., Biology  2004 Y2004 .M33
Pappani, Karie Water relations of a sagebrush steppe community: performance of Stipa comata (needle and thread grass) and Agropyron dasytachyum (thick-spiked wheatgrass) M.S., Biology  2004 Y2004 .P36
Perkins, Todd Comparative studies on the ability of nine Blastomyces dermatitidis antigens to elicit a delayed dermal hypersensitivity response in immunized guinea pigs M.S., Microbiology  2004 Y2004 .P47
Schuetz, Brian K. Floristic study of the woody species of a high Andean cloud forest on Bombolí Mountain, Ecuador M.S., Biology  2004 Y2004 .S38
Shive, Jeremy P. Mapping amphibian habitat distribution in the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness, ID, using multiple scales of remotely sensed data M.S., Biology  2004 Y2004 .S54
Spear, Stephen Landscape effects on genetic structure in tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum melanostictum) populations across the northern range of Yellowstone National Park M.S., Biology  2004 Y2004 .S67
Swenson, Michael W. Potential effects of polyacrylamide (PAM) on an experimental agricultural wetland M.S., Biology  2004 Y2004 .S94
Tyler, Tina Lynn Detection and characterization of urease genes in groundwater bacterial communities Ph. D., Biology  2004 YB2004 .T94
Wadsworth, Nicholas K. Identification of soil bacteria and yeasts collected from mouse carcass skin samples processed by burying beetles and discovery, characterization, and specificity of antimicrobial activities found in burying beetle (Nicrophorus) secretions M.S., Biology  2004 Y2004 .W32
Bauer, Cassondra Ann Adaptations in the plantar soft tissue in the foot of plantigrade apes and humans M.S., Biology  2003 Y2003 .B38
Blum, Scott Habitat use by mountain lions (Puma concolor) in the northern Great Basin M.S., Biology  2003 Y2003 .B58
Bobinski, Lorena Use of table-top job analysis to determine staffing qualifications in a clinical microbiology laboratory M.S., Microbiology  2003 Y2003 .B62
Cossel, John Olen Changes in reptile populations in the Snake River Birds of Prey Area, Idaho, between 1978-79 and 1997-98: the effects of weather, habitat, and wildfire D.A., Biology  2003 YB2003 .C67
Eddingsaas, Aren Andrew Effects of Pleistocene Glacial Processes on Beringia: the evolutionary history of the Arctic Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus parryii) M.S., Biology  2003 Y2003 .E32
Farrar, Richard Scott Effects of steroids on performance of isolated ventricle strips from rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) M.S., Biology  2003 Y2003 .F37
Johnson, David Robert Species composition, diversity, and productivity of plant communities on prehistoric Aleut village sites on the western Alaska Peninsula M.S., Biology  2003 Y2003 .J62
Larson, Shannon Nichole Role of prolactin in regulating summer hair growth cycles of mink (Mustela vison) M.S., Biology  2003 Y2003 .L37
Llewellyn, Robin L. Distribution of amphibians and reptiles on Craig Mountain, Idaho: a test of the Gap Analysis models M.S., Biology  2003 Y2003 .L53
Lucid, Michael K. Phylogeography of Keen's mouse (Peromyscus keeni) in a naturally fragmented landscape M.S., Biology  2003 Y2003 .L82
Mundt, Jacob T. Detection of leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula) in Swan Valley, Idaho, using hyperspectral remote sensing with limited training data M.S., Biology  2003 Y2003 .M86
Murphy, Patrick D. Effects of different species of introduced salmonids on amphibians in headwater lakes of north-central Idaho M.S., Biology  2003 Y2003 .M87
O'Hearn, Pamela Paasché Breeding biology of chukar (Alectoris chukar) and the suitability of subcutaneously implanted telemetry devices as a research tool M.S., Biology  2003 Y2003 .O33
Pappani, Jason W. Treatment of agricultural water pollution by a wetland designed and managed for waterfowl and wildlife habitat M.S., Biology  2003 Y2003 .P36
Peterson, Maia L. Diversity of the temperature-dependent bys1 gene in Blastomyces dermatitidis isolates of varied geographic origins M.S., Microbiology  2003 Y2003 .P37
Petrisko, Jill E. Identification of Saprolegnia and Achlya isolated from aquatic habitats throughout the Pacific Northwest using a molecular phylogenetic analysis; &, Diseases and amphibian declines: what are the implications for Saprolegnia spp. in amphibian declines? D.A., Biology  2003 YB2003 .P47
Ray, Heather L. Macroinvertebrate community composition and decomposition of cattail and bulrush litter in a newly constructed and established wetland M.S., Biology  2003 Y2003 .R39
Shurley, Jack F. Detection of Blastomyces dermatitidis antigen in urine specimens from dogs with blastomycosis M.S., Microbiology  2003 Y2003 .S58
Tanner, Vanessa Construction of a genomic library from Physarum polycephalum microplasmodia M.S., Microbiology  2003 Y2003 .T36
Tomasik, Eric J. Mitochondrial phylogeography and conservation genetics of wolverine (Gulo gulo) in northwestern North America M.S., Biology  2003 Y2003 .T65
Weckworth, Byron Vance Phylogeography and population dynamics of wolves (Canis lupus) in the Pacific Northwest M.S., Biology  2003 Y2003 .W42
Billingsley, Josh Keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) mRNA expression in mink (Mustela vison) skin during natural and artificially induced winter fur growth M.S., Biology  2002 Y2002 .B54
Buckwalter, Seanne Patrick Postfire vegetation dynamics in sagebrush steppe on the eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho M.S., Biology  2002 Y2002 .B82
Charter, Nicolas Jack Use of Rotofor® IEF fractions as a strain differentiation tool for Blastomyces dermatitidis M.S., Microbiology  2002 Y2002 .C42
Fowles, Gretchen Irene Habitat use and population characteristics of newly reintroduced California bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis californiana) in south-central Idaho M.S., Biology  2002 Y2002 .F68
Hayes, Ashley R. Effects of wind on the call transmission and behavior of pikas (Ochotona princeps) M.S., Biology  2002 Y2002 .H39
Liu, Mei Water quality assessment for the Portneuf River total maximum daily load program M.S., Biology  2002 Y2002 .L58
Lung, Mark A. Influence of herd size, conspecific risk, and predation risk on the vigilance of elk (Cervus elaphus) in Yellowstone National Park; & Interest, learning, and a thematic biology course D.A., Biology  2002 YB2002 .L86
Merriam, Jennifer C. Movements and habitat selection in northern leopard frogs (Rana pipiens) in southeastern Idaho D.A., Biology  2002 YB2002 .M47
Merrick, Melissa J. Thermal ecology and thermoregulatory ability of three Nicrophorus species in Idaho and Colorado, U.S.A. M.S., Biology  2002 Y2002 .M47
Peck, Ryan David. Seasonal changes in foraging behavior and the roles of plant abundance, nitrogen, and phenolics in the diet choice of pikas (Ochotona princeps) M.S., Biology  2002 Y2002 .P42
Relyea, Scott E. Effects of substrate reflectance, light intensity, and time of season on stream periphyton biomass and pigment levels M.S., Biology  2002 Y2002 .R44
Sauder, Joel D. Factors influencing avian abundance and diversity in sagebrush steppe, juniper woodland, and aspen woodland communities of southeast Idaho M.S., Biology  2002 Y2002 .S28
Axtell, Robert C. Molecular and serological comparisons of Blastomyces dermatitidis M.S., Microbiology  2001 Y2001 .A96
Barbur, John   D.A., Biology 2001  
Burton, Stephen R. Amphibian declines in southeast Idaho: using modeling to assess the habitat loss hypothesis D.A., Biology 2001 YB2001 .B87
Dobson, Christopher Measuring higher cognitive development in anatomy and physiology students D.A., Biology 2001 YB2001 .D62
Hunt, Jason Lynn Prolactin receptor concentrations in mink (Mustela vison) skin during natural and artificially induced growth of the winter fur M.S., Biology  2001 Y2001 .H85
Kauffman, Mary E. Effects of bacterial attachment to basalt on the production of toluene oxygenase enzymes M.S., Biology 2001 Y2001 .K37
Konvalinka, Julie M. Effects of ambient ultraviolet-B radiation on growth, morphology, and photosynthesis of douglas-fir seedlings (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and the implications for environmental stress tolerance M.S., Biology  2001 Y2001 .K65
Loxterman, Janet L. The impact of habitat fragmentation on the population genetic structure of pumas (Puma concolor) in Idaho Ph. D., Biology  2001 YB2001 .L69
Nield, Becky A. Molecular genetic studies of gender expression in angiosperms: early ovule development in Nicotiana tabacum M.S., Biology  2001 Y2001 .N64
O'Connell, Sean Microbial diversity in pristine and contaminated subsurface environments: detection of archaeal species and assessment of bacterial richness and evenness using molecular and culture-based techniques Ph. D., Biology  2001 YB2001 .O36
Pratt, Guy Cameron Components of habitat selection, predation risk, and biobarrier design for use in managing populations of ground squirrels on low-level radioactive waste landfill caps M.S., Biology  2001 Y2001 .P73
Silverman, Heather Gwen Investigation into glucose transporter proteins in fish M.S., Biology  2001 Y2001 .S54
Simons, Erin Mary Predicting suitable habitat for the pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis) using a Geographic Information System M.S., Biology  2001 Y2001 .S55
Snyder, Eric B. Effect of anthropogenic alteration on large river structure and function measured by algal response to nutrient regime, ecosystem metabolism, carbon cycling, and energy flow Ph. D., Biology   2001 YB2001 .S69
Wenninger, Erik J. Insect community response to plant diversity and productivity in a sagebrush steppe ecosystem M.S., Biology  2001 Y2001 .W45
Campbell, Leslie Identification of a histidine kinase in the dimorphic pathogenic fungus Blastomyces dermatitidis M.S., Microbiology  2000 Y2000 .C35
Chipman, Jayne Preliminary floral key of Indian Rocks area of critical environmental concern: a sagebrush steppe community of southeast Idaho M.S., Biology  2000 Y2000 .C45
Clark, J. Jason Effects of ventricular enlargement on the growth and perfusion of the coronary microvasculature and the oxygenation potential of cardiomyocytes in the male rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) M.S., Biology  2000 Y2000 .C52
Hawk, Jeremy E. Amphibian declines in the greater Yellowstone ecosystem: do thermally influenced waters protect boreal toads from bacterial disease? M.S., Biology  2000 Y2000 .H38
Holmes, Brian Russell Mountain lion in southeastern Idaho: population characteristics and a test of optimal foraging theory M.S., Biology  2000 Y2000 .H64
Johnson, Karen G. Social and geographic factors affecting pertussis susceptibility in Idaho children aged 6 to 59 months M.S., Microbiology  2000 Y2000 .J63
Miller, Amber Reese Development of a fluorescence-based assay for soluble methane monooxygenase M.S., Microbiology  2000 Y2000 .M54
Myler, Cary D. Habitat improvement for an endangered springsnail in southwest Idaho M.S., Biology  2000 Y2000 .M95
Oamek, Mark L. Molecular genetic studies of Blastomyces dermatitidis M.S., Microbiology  2000 Y2000 .O25
Schomberg, Jesse D. Relationships between landscape factors and aquatic macroinvertebrates in Idaho's large rivers M.S., Biology  2000 Y2000 .S35
Witt, W. Christopher Effects of isolation on small mammal populations (Clethrionomys gapperi and Peromyscus maniculatus) in a desert matrix M.S., Biology  2000 Y2000 .W57
Wray, Dwight D. The effectiveness of undergraduate researchers and the effect of undergraduate research on the student D.A., Biology 2000 Y2000 .W57
1999-1990: 114 with 4 Ph.D., 4 D.A., and 106 M.S. Degrees Awarded

1999    1998    1997    1996   |   1995 |   1994    1993   |  1992  |  1991  |  1990

Author Title Degree Year Call Number
Bohn, Kirsten M. Day roost selection by silver-haired bats (Lasionycteris noctivagans) and the effects of a selective timber harvest on bat populations in Caribou National Forest M.S., Zoology  1999 Y1999 .B63
Davis, Rebecca. Reductive dechlorination of tetrachloroethylene, trichloroethylene, and carbon tetrachloride mixtures by anaerobic bacteria M.S., Biology  1999 Y1999 .D386
Dixon-Hoskins, Karen J. Purification and characterization of Blastomyces dermatitidis yeast and mycelial lysates by isoelectric focusing and gel electrophoresis M.S., Microbiology  1999 Y1999 .D59
Fabian, Henry J. Developing computer-based training programs for basic mammalian histology: didactic versus discovery-based design D.A., Biology 1999 YB1999 .F32
Fillmore, Bradley, J. Angiogenic integrin [alpha]v[beta]3 as a site of the tetatogenic action of thalidomide M.S., Biology  1999 Y1999 .F54
Lampe, Jed N. Allelic variation in BYS1: a unique genetic determinant of Blastomyces dermatitidis M.S., Microbiology  1999 Y1999 .L35
Lynch, Kathleen Sheila. Factors affecting parental behaviors and reproductive success of worm-eating warblers (Helmitheros vermivorus) M.S., Biology  1999 Y1999 .L96
Maroney, Robert Q. Vegetational Study of the Blackfoot River Wildlife Management Area M.S., Biology  1999 Y1999 .M366
Prussian, Aaron M. Effects of recreational suction-dredge gold mining on benthic invertebrates and substratum in some Alaskan streams M.S., Biology  1999 Y1999 .P78
Varricchione, Jeffrey Taddeo Vertical and seasonal distribution of hyporheic invertebrate communities in several Idaho and Montana streams M.S., Biology  1999 Y1999 .V37
Buckwalter, Patrick Lee Habitat selection and population distributions of small mammals in central Minnesota M.S., Biology  1998 Y1998 .B84
Hawkins, Heidi Sebring Use of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the identification of Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus, specifically the nucleocapsid gene, in a possible alternate invertebrate host M.S., Biology  1998 Y1998 .H39
Hayes, John Russell Characterization of BYSI: a novel protein of the dimorphic fungus Blastomyces dermatitidis M.S., Biology  1998 Y1998 .H393
Johnston, Bradley David Prolactin and adrenal hormone interactions in regulating the onset of the winter fur growth cycle in mink (Mustela vison) M.S., Biology  1998 Y1998 .J637
Merriam, Jennifer C. Community wildlife management by Mayangna Indians in the Bosawás Reserve, Nicaragua M.S., Anthropology, and Biology  1998 Y1998 .M47
Monaghan, Michael T. Mechanisms determining filter-feeder distributions in lake outlet streams M.S., Biology  1998 Y1998 .M66
Mothershead, Sarah Joan Comparison of antigens and immunoassays for the detection of blastomycosis M.S., Microbiology  1998 Y1998 .M69
Roach, W. John Habitat characteristics, predation risk, and trophic interactions: talus fragmentation reduces the effect of pikas (Ochotona princeps) on the structure of a high alpine meadow M.S., Biology  1998 Y1998 .R622
Sakols, Hugh J. Postfire floristic development in lodgepole pine communities of Yellowstone National Park M.S., Biology  1998 Y1998 .S24
Shoemake, Stephen R. Construction of a survey instrument and analysis program for the evaluation of student attitudes toward live, televised courses at Idaho State University D.A., Biology 1998 YB1998 .S56
Thompson, Mary Elizabeth Evolution of the hind limb and degree of aquatic adaptation in the Pliopotamys-Ondatra lineage M.S., Biology  1998 Y1998 .T46
Altendorf, Kelly Beth Assessing the impact of predation risk by mountain lions (Puma concolor) on foraging behavior of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) M.S., Biology  1997 Y1997 .A47
Beck, Jonathan M. Distribution, relative abundance, habitat characteristics, and movements of three snake species at the C.J. Strike Reservoir in southwestern Idaho M.S., Biology  1997 Y1997 .B43
Gabler, Kate Ingrid Distribution and habitat requirements of the pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis) on the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory M.S., Biology  1997 Y1997 .G32
Higdem, Dane Matthew Biodegradation of p-xylene M.S., Microbiology  1997 Y1997 .H53
Hitchcock-King, Kimberly Designing a gene transfer system for Blastomyces dermatitidis M.S., Microbiology  1997 Y1997 .H57
Kennedy, Michael Dustin Serum concentration of adrenal and gonadal hormones during the summer and winter fur growth cycles of mink (Mustela vison) M.S., Biology  1997 Y1997 .K466
Miller, Micha Benefits of an evergreen canopy: seasonal photosynthetic rates of evergreen leaves of Artemisia tridentata D.A., Biology 1997 YB1997 .M54
Naidu, Radhika Desineni Isolation of an ornithine transcarbamylase gene from a cDNA library of Physarum polycephalum M.S., Microbiology  1997 Y1997 .N34
Patla, Debra A. Changes in the population of spotted frogs in Yellowstone National Park between 1953 and 1995: the effects of habitat modification M.S., Biology  1997 Y1997 .P37
Patla, Susan M. Nesting ecology and habitat of the northern goshawk in undisturbed and timber harvest areas on the Targhee National Forest, Greater Yellowstone ecosystem M.S., Biology  1997 Y1997 .P374
Black, Catherine S. Effects of copper and cobalt exposure on deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) and other small mammals inhabiting riparian areas along contaminated streams in the Salmon National Forest of Idaho M.S., Biology  1996 Y1996 .B52
Doering, Robert William Thermal implications of roost site selection in hibernating Plecotus townsendii M.S., Zoology  1996 Y1996 .D74
Evans, Jill. Anaerobic biodegradation of DDT M.S., Biology  1996 Y1996 .E92
Fisher, Mark A. Immunologic evaluation and chemical characterization of isoelectric focusing fractions of Blastomyces dermatitidis yeast phase lysate antigen M.S., Microbiology  1996 Y1996 .F57
Fryer, Benjamin M. Development of a protocol for the detection of Blastomyces dermatitidis antigen M.S., Microbiology  1996 Y1996 .F79
Lawson, R. Daniel. Patterns of woody plant encroachment on a Minnesota sandplain M.S., Biology  1996 Y1996 .L39
Myler, Kari N. Influence of channel confinement and hyporheic storage on nutrient retention in a Southeast Idaho stream M.S.. Biology  1996 Y1996 .M94
Thornton, Michele M. Use of geomorphic variables to predict riparian vegetation patterns: a comparison of field and GIS techniques M.S., Biology  1996 Y1996 .T567
Wakamoto, Akiko Comparative studies on the detection of antibodies and delayed hypersensitivity with Blastomyces dermatitidis yeast lysate antigens M.S., Microbiology  1996 Y1996 .W35
Burton, Charlotte S. Blackleg and soft rot response to Erwinia carotovora ssp. atroseptica by Solanum tuberosum cv. Russet Burbank clones transformed with an antibacterial cecropin B gene M.S., Microbiology  1995 Y1995 .B87
Clark, Raymond J. Effects of seasonal body temperature variation on behavioral performance and the blood chemistry of Great Basin rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis lutosus) M.S., Biology  1995 Y1995 .C53
Davis, Jeffrey C. Functional processes in three wilderness streams M.S., Biology  1995 Y1995 .D38
Gianotto, David F. Nutrient loading and water quality on the Snake River between American Falls and Minidoka Dams M.S., Biology  1995 Y1995 .G52
Hibbert, Monte C. Development of a simplified solid-phase enzyme immunoassay for antibody detection in dogs with blastomycosis M.S., Microbiology  1995 Y1995 .H53
Meyer, Kevin A. Experimental evaluation of habitat use and survival of rainbow trout during their first winter in the Henry's Fork of the Snake River, Idaho M.S., Biology  1995 Y1995 .M49
Mihuc, Janet R. Decomposition of terrestrial leaf litter in soil microcosms: an investigation for use in the classroom D.A., Biology 1995 YB1995 .M54
Porth, Adam T. Movements of black-tailed jackrabbits (Lepus californicus) and effects of high population densities on the nitrogen budget of sagebrush-steppe M.S., Zoology  1995 Y1995 .P67
Royer, Todd V. Decomposition of plant material in the middle reach of the Snake River, Idaho M.S., Biology  1995 Y1995 .R694
Smith, Devyn M. Analysis of the effects of the mesonephros and Hensen's node upon limb development M.S., Biology  1995 Y1995 .S647
Wood, Jill G. Use of expression cloning techniques to identify the BYS1 protein in Blastomyces dermatitidis M.S., Microbiology  1995 Y1995 .W63
Bosworth, William Robert Characteristics of winter activity in Plecotus townsendii in southeastern Idaho M.S., Zoology  1994 Y1994 .B67
Goodman, Pamela J. Maternal effects in two desert annuals: indirect environmental effects on germination behavior M.S., Biology  1994 Y1994 .G66
Livingston, Mark W. Influences on the axial polarity of the developing chick wing M.S., Biology  1994 Y1994 .L58
North, Barbara R. Chick provisioning and fledging success of three sympatric species of terns in the Gulf of Maine M.S., Zoology  1994 Y1994 .N67
Orr, Michael Comparison and optimization of yeast and mycelial phase lysate antigens in the detection of canine blastomycosis M.S., Microbiology  1994 Y1994 .O77
Shoemake, Stephen R. Body temperature variation and patterns of weight gain in rock squirrels (Spermophilus variegatus) before and during hibernation in southeast Idaho M.S., Biology  1994 Y1994 .S533
Stark, Michael R. Study in comparative avian embryology M.S., Biology  1994 Y1994 .S72
Veverka, Christina Sonja Ecological restoration of degraded rangelands M.S., Biology  1994 Y1994 .V49
Woutat, Philip Biogeography of avian community composition in the Hebrides, Orkney, and Shetland M.S., Ecology  1994 Y1994 .W68
Anderson, Frances Louise Stites Development of a rapid non-culture method for identifying microorganisms capable of degrading aromatic compounds M.S., Microbiology  1993 Y1993 .A52
Barnes, Joni Marie. Selenate reduction by Pseudomonas stutzeri JB1 M.S., Microbiology  1993 Y1993 .B3
Barrett, Karen B. Evaluating the efficacy of biocides for controlling the activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria in petroleum reservoirs M.S., Microbiology  1993 Y1993 .B37
Burg, Edward F. Cloning and characterization of BYPS1: a temperature-dependent cDNA specific to the yeast phase of the pathogenic, dimorphic fungus Blastomyces dermatitidis M.S., Microbiology  1993 Y1993 .B86
Ellis, Marshall Factors affecting establishment and performance by lodgepole pine following the 1988 fires in Yellowstone National Park M.S., Biology  1993 Y1993 .E47
Sills, Cynthia Effects of supplemental feeding on hatching synchrony of burrowing owls M.S., Biology  1993 Y1993 .S55
Sirotnak, Nancy L. Training effects on functional neuroplasticity and behavior following a focal cortical lesion to adult rat barrel cortex M.S., Biology  1993 Y1993 .S57
Smothers, James F. Phylogenetic analysis of five species of myxozoans using 18S rRNA gene sequences M.S., Biology  1993 Y1993 .S61
Zaccardi, L. Bryan. Comparative immunoassay studies of yeast and mycelial phase lysate antigens from histoplasma capsulatum using alkaline phosphatase and peroxidase ELISA systems M.S., Microbiology  1993 Y1993 .Z22
Abuodeh, Raed O. Induction and ELISA detection of antibodies to Blastomyces dermatitidis canine M.S., Microbiology  1992 Y1992 .A33
Bono, James L. Purification and characterization of Blastomyces dermatitidis yeast phase lysate antigens M.S., Microbiology  1992 Y1992 .B66
Brody, Allison J. Sociality of pinyon jays with and without pinyon pine M.S., Biology  1992 Y1992 .B76
Dey, Paul D. Food quality of ultrafine seston: growth of a stream filter feeder Simulium vittatum M.S., Biology  1992 Y1992 .D49
Grothe, Scott Red-tailed hawk predation on snakes: the effects of weather and snake activity M.S., Biology  1992 Y1992 .G86
Harmon, Frank G. Cloning and expression of the soluble methane monooxygenase gene cluster from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b in Eschericha coli NM554 M.S., Microbiology  1992 Y1992 .H37
Huber, Scott H. Characterization of prolactin receptors in hepatic tissue of the domestic chicken M.S., Biology  1992 Y1992 .H82
Mladenka, Greg C. Ecological life history of the Bruneau Hot Springs snail (Pyrgulopsis bruneauensis) M.S., Biology  1992 Y1992 .M52
Moller, Jill M. Construction of a cDNA library from Physarum polycephalum microplasmodia M.S., Microbiology  1992 Y1992 .M64
Smith, Ronald W. Effects of concealment cover availability and water temperature on overwinter survival and body condition of juvenile rainbow trout in the Henry's Fork of the Snake River, Idaho M.S., Biology  1992 Y1992 .S64
Villalobos, C. Brian Small mammal distributions in riparian and adjacent habitats of Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming M.S., Biology  1992 Y1992 .V54
Bauer, Nancy Lee Medicinal, edible, poisonous, and injurious flora of Deep Creek Peak, Power County, Idaho M.S., Biology  1991 Y1991 .B38
Carlson, Glenn Feasibility of individual identification and sex determination of whooping cranes (Grus americana) by analysis of vocalizations M.S., Ecology  1991 Y1991 .C37
Gallagher, Donna Natalija Comparative studies on Histoplasma capsulatum antigens: detection of antibodies and delayed hypersensitivity M.S.. Microbiology  1991 Y1991 .G35
Glapinski, Robert Charles Effects of ovariectomy and exogenous 17-beta estradiol on uterine prolactin receptor concentration in mink (Mustela vison) M.S., Biology  1991 Y1991 .G53
Glennon, James M. Flora of the Fort Hall Indian Reservation, Idaho M.S., Biology  1991 Y1991 .G54
Hematillake, M. Ganga Neural tissue transplants and methylprednisolone to promote recovery from [sic] spinal cord injury in rats M.S., Biology  1991 Y1991 .H452
Hillman, Tracy W. Effect of temperature on the spatial interaction of juvenile chinook salmon and the redside shiner and their morphological differences Ph. D., Biology  1991 YB1991 .H54
Lawrence, Deron E. Postfire woody debris dynamics in headwater streams of Yellowstone National Park M.S., Biology  1991 Y1991 .L38
McIntyre, Michael J. Effects of fire on retention of coarse particulate organic matter in streams M.S., Biology  1991 Y1991 .M34
Mihuc, Janet R. Experimental study of the impact of shorebird predation on benthic invertebrates in American Falls Reservoir, Idaho M.S., Biology  1991 Y1991 .M56
Silkey, Tim B. Serologic diagnosis of Coccidioidomycosis: comparative enzyme immunoassay using two solid-phase techniques and two antigens from the parasitic cycle of Coccidioides immitis M.S., Microbiology  1991 Y1991 .S54
Snyder, Jeffrey W. Wintering and foraging ecology of the Trumpeter Swan, Harriman State Park of Idaho M.S., Biology  1991 Y1991 .S69
Stone, Eric R. Socioecology of North American black-billed magpies (Pica pica hudsonia) Ph. D., Biology  1991 YB1991 .S76
Yearsley, Kaye Characterization and comparison of yeast and mycelial phase lysate antigens of Blastomyces dermatitidis canine isolate, T-58 M.S., Microbiology  1991 Y1991 .Y43
Angradi, Theodore Robert Foraging ecology of wild rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the Henry's Fork of the Snake River, Idaho Ph. D., Biology  1990 YB1990 .A54
Boone, John Dayton Ecological characteristics and preferential edge use of small mammal populations inhabiting a radioactive waste disposal area M.S., Zoology  1990 Y1990 .B66
Eastman, Sandra L. Biosorption of copper by immobilized algin biosorbents M.S., Microbiology  1990 Y1990 .E37
Engelgau, Debra E. Development of a procedure for enumerating bacteria attached to solid particles M.S., Microbiology  1990 Y1990 .E54
Koch, Edward D. Effects of temperature and angling on brown and rainbow trout populations in the Firehole River, Yellowstone National Park M.S., Biology  1990 Y1990 .K63
Lee, Brady D. Characterization of an acidophilic facultatively, iron-oxidizing bacterial culture M.S., Microbiology  1990 Y1990 .L44
McDonald, Michael J. Activity patterns of mule deer in response to hunting in southeastern Idaho M.S., Biology  1990 Y1990 .M34
Olenick, Bruce E. Breeding biology of burrowing owls using artificial nest burrows in southeastern Idaho M.S., Biology  1990 Y1990 .O45
Parker, Blaine Lin Effects of a decade of catch-and-release regulations on a rainbow trout population in Silver Creek, Idaho M.S., Biology  1990 Y1990 .P37
Pew, Steven J. Arthropod succession in pig carcasses in southeastern Idaho M.S., Zoology  1990 Y1990 .P49
Ratzlaff, Teresa D. Postfire vegetation development in seeded and unseeded areas of sagebrush/steppe near Pocatello, Idaho M.S., Biology  1990 Y1990 .R38
Reed, Lisa M. Genetic and morphological variation and the evolution of social signals in the black-billed magpie (Pica-pica hudsonia) Ph. D., Biology  1990 YB1990 .R44
Riehle, Michael D. Changes in habitat utilization and feeding chronology of juvenile rainbow trout at the onset of winter in Silver Creek, Idaho M.S., Biology  1990 Y1990 .R57
Rittenhouse, Bruce Howard Distribution and life history of Challis milkvetch (Astragalus amblytropis Barneby) : an endemic of east-central Idaho M.S., Biology  1990 Y1990 .R58
Sirotnak, Joseph M. Intraspecific and interspecific competition in Leymus cinereus and Chrysothamnus nauseosus in a cold-desert environment M.S., Biology  1990 Y1990 .S57
Spaulding, J. Scott. Habitat use, growth, and movement of chinook salmon and steelhead in response to introduced coho salmon in the Wenatchee River, Washington M.S., Biology  1990 Y1990 .S63
Sterner, Mauritz C. Studies of five new species of myxozoan parasites of the mottled sculpin from southeastern Idaho M.S., Biology  1990 Y1990 .S83
Van Every, Lynn R. Anacanthorus (Dactylogyridae) of Piranha (Characidae, Serrasalminae) from the central Amazon, their phylogeny, and aspects of host-parasite coevolution M.S., Zoology  1990 Y1990 .V35
Wackenhut, Martha C. Bat species overwintering in lava-tube caves in Lincoln, Gooding, Blaine, Bingham, and Butte Counties, Idaho: with special reference to annual return of banded Plecotus townsendii M.S., Biology  1990 Y1990 .W32
Williams, Shelley J. Characterization and comparison of mycelial and yeast phase lysate antigens of Histoplasma capsulatum M.S., Microbiology  1990 Y1990 .W54



1989-1980: 125 with 17 Ph.D. and 108 M.S.

1989    1988   1987    1986   |   1985 |   1984    1983   |  1982  |  1981  |  1980

Author Title Degree Year Call Number
Contor, Craig R. Diurnal and nocturnal winter habitat utilization by juvenile rainbow trout in the Henry's Fork of the Snake River, Idaho M.S., Biology  1989 Y1989 .C65
Danamraj, Regan J. W. Morphological studies on the effects of basement membrane components on newborn rat neuronal growth and differentiation M.S., Biology  1989 Y1989 .D34
Gianotto, Anita K. Near-surface analysis of interactions between a thin iron oxide film and biological polymers M.S., Microbiology  1989 Y1989 .G53
Gross, Teri. Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus mRNA isolation and cDNA synthesis M.S., Microbiology  1989 Y1989 .G75
Hart, Scott D. American white pelican (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) populations, kleptoparasitism, and other foraging behaviors at American Falls Reservoir, southeast Idaho M.S., Zoology  1989 Y1989 .H37
Moholt, R. Kendrick Dominance, predator interactions, and social gatherings of the black-billed magpie M.S., Biology  1989 Y1989 .M64
Rigg, James Wesley Invertebrate host and/or reservoir for Infectious Haematopoietic Necrosis (IHN) M.S., Microbiology  1989 Y1989 .R53
Semple, Brett A. Development of an enzyme immunoassay: a rapid screening method to detect antibodies to Histoplasma capsulatum M.S., Microbiology  1989 Y1989 .S47
Wisniewski, Shelly R. Enzyme immunoassays for the detection of antibodies in histoplasmosis: comparison of alkaline phosphatase and biotin/alkaline phosphatase-streptavidin systems M.S., Microbiology  1989 Y1989 .W58
Xia, Jing Synthesis of some oxazinoisoindoles and an attempted pyrrolooxazole preparation M.S., Chemistry/Biology  1989 Y1989 .X52
Boeger, Walter A. Studies on the phylogeny, coevolution, and taxonomy of the class Monogenoidea bychowsky Ph. D., Zoology  1988 YB1988 .B64
Chew, Keng-Tee Studies on arginine biosynthesis in the acellular slime mold Physarum polycephalum: acetylornithine to ornithine M.S., Microbiology  1988 Y1988 .C44
Corsi, Charles Life history and status of the Yellowstone cutthroat trout (Salmo clarkl bouvieri) in the Willow Creek Drainage, Idaho M.S., Zoology  1988 Y1988 .C67
Johnson, Suzanne M. Preparation and characterization of Blastomyces dermatitidis yeast phase antigens M.S., Microbiology  1988 Y1988 .J64
Shors, Scott T. Two aspects of the epidemiology of Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus: passive immunity and a secondary invertebrate host M.S., Microbiology  1988 Y1988 .S56
Singer, Leslee D. Thermoregulation in nestling owls: its development and implications M.S., Biology  1988 Y1988 .S55
Towler, Douglas E. Enzyme immunoassays for the detection of histoplasmosis M.S., Microbiology  1988 Y1988 .T69
Vinson, Mark Russell Ecological and sedimentological evaluation of a relocated cold desert stream M.S., Biology  1988 Y1988 .V55
Wang, Yang Comparative studies on Candida albicans cell lysate antigens for detection of antibodies in candidiasis M.S., Microbiology  1988 Y1988 .Y35
Char, Bharat Raghunath Isolation and characterization of temperature-sensitive mutants of Sphaerotilus natans phage SN1 M.S., Microbiology  1987 Y1987 .C45
Cole, Nancy K. Growth and water relations of Leymus cinereus following a prescribed burn M.S., Biology  1987 Y1987 .C64
Sato, Hiroyuki Use of nitrocellulose membranes in simplified enzyme immunoassays M.S., Microbiology  1987 Y1987 .S18
Schabacker, Michael Henry Effect of indomethacin on the development of reproductive organs in pubertal male mice sex structure development M.S., Biology  1987 Y1987 .S30
Winn, Robert James Effect of indomethacin on compensatory testicular hypertrophy M.S., Biology  1987 Y1987 .W55
Boeger, Walter A. Dactylogyridae (Monogenea) from Serrasalmus nattereri Kner (Cypriniformes, Serrasalmidae) and aspects of their morphologic variation and distribution in the Brazilian Amazon M.S., Zoology  1986 Y1986 .B63
Bonakdarhashemi, Farhad Development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus using Percoll gradient purified antigen M.S., Microbiology  1986 Y1986 .B66
Cutler, Cheryl L. Determination of the effect of ACTH on protein synthesis and phosphorylation in Y1 mouse adrenal tumor cells utilizing SDS-Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis M.S., Microbiology  1986 Y1986 .C87
Hillman, Tracy W. Summer and winter habitat selection by juvenile chinook salmon in a highly sedimented Idaho stream M.S., Biology  1986 Y1986 .H44
Lawson, Peter Wayne Interactions of foraging mayflies and periphyton in streams: computer simulations Ph. D., Biology  1986 YB1986 .L38
Oswald, Mark L. Use of serodiagnostic techniques for the detection of bacteriophage dairy products M.S., Microbiology  1986 Y1986 .O88
Pithawalla, Rohinton Behram Development of an electron microscope partial lysis technique for the study of bacteriophage SN1 replication. M.S., Microbiology  1986 Y1986 .P57
Richards, Carl Distribution and foraging behavior of a grazing stream mayfly (Baetis bicaudatus) Ph. D., Biology  1986 YB1986 .R52
Richter, Don A. Purification of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus for the production of neutralizing antiserum M.S., Microbiology  1986 Y1986 .R52
Robinson, Christopher Thomas Physical disturbance as a mechanism structuring stream benthic communities M.S., Biology  1986 Y1986 .R62
Tiersch, Terrence Robert Use of emetics, intestinal distention, and brain electropharmacology to study the vomiting mechanism in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) M.S., Biology  1986 Y1986 .T53
Wheeler, Jenette Y. Enzyme immunoassay detection of antibodies in human blastomycosis M.S., Microbiology  1986 Y1986 .W43
Winterscheid, Ann Findley Release of prostaglandin-E from hypothalamic fragments In vitro M.S., Biology  1986 Y1986 .W56
Yap, Clementine Y. F. Evaluation of the presence of a Wolffian ridge in Stage 16 chicken embryos M.S., Biology  1986 Y1986 .Y36
Ault, Steven John. Electroretinographic responses and retinal ultrastructure of the great horned owl, Bubo virginianus Ph. D., Biology  1985 YB1985 .A94
Chamberlain, Aurora-Jean Antibody detection in coccidioidomycosis: enzyme immunoassays with mycelial and spherule phase antigens M.S., Microbiology  1985 Y1985 .C35
Grunder, Scott A. Biotic responses to sediment removal in a tributary of Silver Creek,1985 Idaho M.S., Biology  1985 Y1985 .G78
Honigman, Allen S. Development of a DOT-ELISA for the detection of antibodies to the systemic mycoses M.S., Microbiology  1985 Y1985 .H66
Jenkins, Jill Ann. Isolation and characterization of rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri, immunoglobulins M.S., Microbiology  1985 Y1985 .J46
Kayton, Robert James Histochemistry, x-ray elemental analysis, ultrastructure, and development of the Haptoral sclerites of Gyrodactylus sp. (Platyhelminthes: Monogenea) from the Utah chub, Gila atraria (Girard) Ph. D., Biology  1985 YB1985 .K39
Lyon, Robert Edward Helminth parasites of six lizard species from southern Idaho M.S., Biology  1985 Y1985 .L96
Mullican, Tim R. Ecology of the sagebrush vole (Lemmiscus curtatus) in southeastern Idaho M.S., Zoology  1985 Y1985 .M84
Owens, Rick D. Diagnosis of histoplasmosis and blastomycosis: immunodiffusion and enzyme immunoassays M.S., Microbiology  1985 Y1985 .O93
Park, WooYang Changes in streptococcal population during treatment of periodontal disease with chloramine-T M.S., Microbiology  1985 Y1985 .P37
Skinner, William D. Importance of behavioral, morphological, and size aspects to the capture and ingestion of invertebrates by drift-feeding trout M.S., Biology  1985 Y1985 .S54
Clemens, Dahn L. Development of monoclonal antibodies for use in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent (i.e. immunosorbent) assay (Elisa) for infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPNV) virus M.S., Microbiology  1984 Y1984 .C43
Gamblin, Mark. Effects of Mount St. Helens ashfall on trout in tributaries of the St. Joe River, Idaho M.S., Zoology  1984 Y1984 .G35
Houser, Maurice Doyle Elisa detection of antibodies to Histoplasma capsulatum in human sera specimens M.S., Microbiology  1984 Y1984 .H68
Manning, D. Scott Development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus M.S., Microbiology  1984 Y1984 .M36
Raman, Chander Development of a modified enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Elisa) to detect Histoplasma capsulatum antigens M.S., Microbiology  1984 Y1984 .R33
Ramsey, Douglas W. Neutralization enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus in salmonids M.S., Microbiology  1984 Y1984 .R35
Seawell, Betty J. W. Production of ethanol using water extracts of Gleditsia triacanthos pods by Saccharomyces cerevisiae dady and Zymomonas mobilis ATCC 10988 M.S., Microbiology  1984 Y1984 .S42
Spateholts, Robert Laroy Ecology of naturalized and introduced stocks of brook trout in Henry's Lake, Idaho M.S., Zoology  1984 Y1984 .S62
Taylor, Daniel M., Effects of cattle grazing and other factors on passerine birds nesting in willow riparian habitat M.S., Biology  1984 Y1984 .T39
Terry, James M. Use of spherulin in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Elisa) to detect antibodies to Coccidioides immitis M.S., Microbiology  1984 Y1984 .T47
Bright, Stuart W. Improved enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus of trout M.S., Microbiology  1983 Y1983 .B75
Filipovich, Michael A. Small mammal density, movement, and food habits on the SL-1 radioactive-waste disposal area, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory M.S., Zoology  1983 Y1983 .F54
Kolbet, Patricia Study of the relative abilities of full-term human, ovine, and bovine placentae to convert androstenedione to estrogens (estradiol-17B, estrone, and estriol) M.S., Zoology  1983 Y1983 .K64
Lawson, Peter Wayne Predator avoidance responses of ephemeroptera nymphs to mottled sculpin M.S., Zoology  1983 Y1983 .L38
Litke, Richard T. Transport of dissolved and particulate organic carbon in Rocky Mountain ephemeral streams Ph. D., Zoology  1983 YB1983 .L58
Pepsin, Michael J. Ethanol production using continuous flow fermentation and whole-cell immobilization M.S., Microbiology  1983 Y1983 .P46
Schill, Daniel J. Hooking mortality of cutthroat trout in a catch-and-release segment of the Yellowstone River, Yellowstone National Park M.S., Biology  1983 Y1983 .S354
Shumar, Mark Lucas Factors affecting the distributions of two subspecies of big sagebrush M.S., Biology  1983 Y1983 .S58
Veith, Rachel D. Dispersal, relative density, and speed of carrion location of the burying beetle, Nicrophorus hecate bland (Coleoptera: Silphidae) in southeastern Idaho M.S., Zoology  1983 Y1983 .V43
Weck, Margaret A. Effect of indomethacin and progesterone on plasma luteinizing hormone levels and hypothalamic prostaglandin E levels in ovariectomized deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) M.S., Biology  1983 Y1983 .W42
Whitehead, Gordon S. Flora of the Island Park geothermal study area M.S., Biology  1983 Y1983 .W458
Whitfield, Michael B. Bighorn sheep history, distributions, and habitat relationships in the Teton Mountain range, Wyoming M.S., Biology  1983 Y1983 .W45
Wilson, Carolyn Jean Effects of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) on gonadal tissue and coronary arteries of rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri M.S., Biology  1983 Y1983 .W54
Boyer, Michael J. Development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) that utilizes Histolyn CYL to detect an antibody response to Histoplasma capsulatum M.S., Microbiology  1982 Y1982 .B69
Brough, Douglas E. Glucose and gluconate metabolism in Thermus sp. T2 M.S., Microbiology  1982 Y1982 .B76
DeLate, Michael Francis Prey comparison in three nearctic raptors: golden eagles, red-tailed hawks, and great horned owls M.S., Zoology  1982 Y1982 .D44
Edris, Wade A. Use of one- and two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in detecting changes in protein phosphorylation and distribution in steroidogenic ally-modified bovine adrenal cortical cells M.S., Microbiology  1982 Y1982 .E37
English, Joyce Lee. Black-billed magpie, Pica pica hudsonia: aspects of the communication system including documentation of vocalizations M.S., Zoology  1982 Y1982 .E54
Floyd, Donald Alan Comparison of three methods for estimating vegetal cover in sagebrush steppe communities M.S., Biology  1982 Y1982 .F56
Grant, David F. Nutrient acquisition strategies and protein dynamics of a detritus-eating aquatic insect, Pteronarcys californica (Newport) M.S., Zoology  1982 Y1982 .G73
Hussey, Charles E. Characterization of four new bacteriophages specific for Sphaerotilus natans species M.S., Microbiology  1982 Y1982 .H88
Hutchinson, Nancy A. Vegetation analysis of CRE-ACT Environmental Arts Center in southeastern Idaho M.S., Biology  1982 Y1982 .H882
Idris, Beatrice Dilber Relationship of vegetative growth and flowering time in altitudinally diverse populations of Geum triflorum M.S., Biology  1982 Y1982 .I37
Johnson, Randal D. Relationships of black-tailed jackrabbit diets to population density and vegetal components of habitat M.S., Zoology  1982 Y1982 .J63
Ludlow, John W. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus of trout M.S., Microbiology  1982 Y1982 .L83
Marlette, Guy M. Stability and succession in crested wheatgrass seedings on the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Site M.S., Biology  1982 Y1982 .M37
Reynolds, Mark DuValle Nest defense of black-billed magpies M.S., Biology  1982 Y1982 .R49
Torian, Bruce Edward Studies on the in vitro uncoating of poliovirus M.S., Microbiology  1982 Y1982 .T67
Wenderoff, Leslie R. Trophic competition between threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) and rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) in three lakes in the Matanuska Valley, southcentral Alaska M.S., Zoology  1982 Y1982 .W449
Bruns, Dale A. Species diversity and spatial niche relations in guilds of predaceous stream insects Ph. D., Biology  1981 YB1981 .B78
Faler, Carolyn Yvonne Manuel Production and fate of aquatic macrophytes in Deep Creek, Idaho Ph. D., Biology  1981 YB1981 .F34
Findholt, Scott L. Organochlorine pollutants, eggshell quality and reproductive success in black-crowned night herons M.S., Zoology  1981 Y1981 .F55
Fuller, Ross K. Habitat utilization, invertebrate consumption, and movement by salmonid fishes under fluctuating flow conditions in the Big Lost River, Idaho. M.S., Biology  1981 Y1981 .F84
Gregg, Watson W. Aquatic macrophytes as a factor affecting the micro-distribution of benthic stream invertebrates M.S., Zoology  1981 Y1981 .G74
Groves, Craig R. Ecology of small mammals on the subsurface disposal area, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory site M.S., Zoology  1981 Y1981 .G76
Hale, Alan Barker Assembly of morphological types in stream insect communities Ph. D., Biology  1981 YB1981 .H34
Humphrey, David. Patterns and mechanisms of plant succession after fire in foothills areas of southeastern Idaho M.S., Biology  1981 Y1981 .H84
LeMaster, David B. Foraging ecology of a population of trumpeter swans wintering in southeast Alaska M.S., Zoology  1981 Y1981 .L44
Perry, James A. Diel and seasonal carbon, nutrient, and mineral budgets in two cold spring ecosystems Ph. D., Zoology  1981 YB1981 .P47
Peterson, Kenneth R. Attempted indirect induction of prophage lambda by nicked or gapped DNA M.S., Microbiology  1981 Y1981 .P48
Poole, Walton C. Ecological bioenergetics of Pteronarcys californica (Newport) Ph. D., Zoology  1981 YB1981 .P66
Powers, Leon R. Nesting behavior of the ferruginous hawk (Buteo regalis) Ph. D., Biology  1981 YB1981 .P69
Rrison, Carl Christopher Search for plasmids in Sphaerotilus natans using a rapid plasmid DNA isolation procedure M.S., Microbiology  1981 Y1981 .M67
Woods, Robert H. Factors modifying the binding of cGMP to partially purified guanosine 3':5'-monophosphate-dependent protein kinase M.S., Microbiology  1981 Y1981 .W66
Becker, Jonathan J. Star Valley local fauna (Early Hemphillian), southwestern Idaho M.S., Zoology  1980 Y1980 .B42
Brock, James Thacher Annual metabolism of a desert stream-segment ecosystem, Rock Creek, Idaho M.S., Zoology  1980 Y1980 .B77
Conrad, Gregory Stevens Biostratigraphy and mammalian paleontology of the Glenns Ferry Formation from Hammett to Oreana, Idaho Ph. D., Biology  1980 YB1980 .C66
Cuffney, Thomas F. Ecology of Arctopsyche grandis (Banks) (Trichoptra: Hydropsychidae) M.S., Zoology  1980 Y1980 .C83
Dodge-LaRoche, Carole Observations on the life history and ecology of Gymnaetron tetrum Fabricius (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) M.S., Zoology  1980 Y1980 .D62
Farley, Louis C. Behavioral-ecology of swans wintering in southeast Alaska M.S., Zoology  1980 Y1980 .F375
Hartwell, Larry J. Detection and function of cyclic AMP in Thermus sp. T2 M.S., Microbiology  1980 Y1980 .H37
Jarvis, Donald L. Effects of ultraviolet irradiation on poliovirus: production and characterization of modified particles and characterization of the modifying reaction M.S., Microbiology  1980 Y1980 .J37
Kent, James Christopher Effect of Raft River geothermal water and an anti-corrosive, potassium dichromate, on the immune response of the channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) Ph. D., Biology  1980 YB1980 .K45
La Point, Thomas W. Role of ciliated protozoa and bacteria in stream benthic organic matter decomposition Ph. D., Zoology  1980 YB1980 .L32
Lovejoy, Steven H. Patterns in the distribution of plants and animals on lava flows and kipukas in southeastern Idaho M.S., Zoology  1980 Y1980 .L68
Moeller, John R. Dissolved organic matter dynamics and benthic microbial densities in the upper Salmon River, Idaho Ph. D., Zoology  1980 YB1980 .M63
Nautch, Irene M. Scansorial use of selected Douglas-fir stands by small mammals M.S., Zoology  1980 Y1980 .N38
Neil, Edwin Jack Effects of testosterone cypionate on various physiological parameters and atherosclerotic lesion development in pubescent male rabbits M.S., Zoology  1980 Y1980 .N44
Semba, Rick Periovulatory changes in ovarian prostaglandin content in Peromyscus maniculatus M.S., Biology  1980 Y1980 .S45
Shepard, Richard B. Role of aquatic insect feces in stream ecosystems Ph. D., Biology  1980 YB1980 .S53
Souza, Dennis W. Ontogeny of lymphokines in mice: development of the ability to synthesize and respond to migration inhibitory factor and mitogenic factor M.S., Microbiology  1980 Y1980 .S68
Thrift, J. Barry. Utilization of amino acids by Clostridium sticklandii M.S., Microbiology  1980 Y1980 .T57
Watson, Lynn R. Toxicity of geothermal brine to fish and invertebrates from Raft River, Idaho M.S., Zoology  1980 Y1980 .W37
Wilkosz, Robert J. Coyote habitat preferences on the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Site in southeastern Idaho M.S., Zoology  1980 Y1980 .W54
Wright, Scott H. Mutant isolation and genetic transformation studies with Thermus sp. T2 M.S., Microbiology  1980 Y1980 .W75
Yasuda, Robert P. Distribution of cAMP-dependent protein kinases in the cytosolic and mitochondrial subcellular fraction of bovine adrenal cortex M.S., Microbiology  1980 Y1980 .Y37
1979-1970: 121 with 7 Ph.D. and 114 M.S.

1979    1978    1977    1976   |   1975 |   1974    1973   |  1972  |  1971  |  1970

Author Title Degree Year Call Number
Abdul-Wahid, Sarah. Use of Lyt antigens in the study of T cell heterogeneity: characterization of Lyt subsets in the athymic nude mouse M.S., Microbiology  1979 Y1979 .A23
Allard, W. Jeffrey. Suppression of a syngeneic tumor after passive transfer of macrophages and lymphokines from athymic nude mice M.S., Microbiology  1979 Y1979 .A443
Allred, E. Morrell Denning behavior of the red fox (Vulpes fulva) in eastern Idaho and western Wyoming M.S., Biology  1979 Y1979 .A447
Barnard, Dale L. Characterization of the interaction between Salmonella typhimurium MR¹⁰ and HeLa cells M.S., Microbiology  1979 Y1979 .B375
Campbell, Bruce A. Production, genetic control, and some characteristics of an inhibitor produced by an extremely thermophilic bacterium resembling Thermus aquaticus M.S., Microbiology  1979 Y1979 .C34
Fisher, Jerry S. Reproduction in the pygmy rabbit in southeastern Idaho M.S., Zoology  1979 Y1979 .F58
Hardy, Joel A. Induction of prophage lambda by nonoperator DNA M.S., Microbiology  1979 Y1979 .H37
Hauptman, Tedd N. Spatial and temporal distribution and feeding ecology of the pine marten M.S., Zoology  1979 Y1979 .H39
Howard, James David Utilization of mental imagery in the acquisition, perfection, and expression of motor skills M.S., Biology  1979 Y1979 .H69
Laundré, John W. Behavioral study of home range utilization by coyotes on the INEL site in southeastern Idaho Ph. D., Zoology  1979 YB1979 .L29
Lyons, Ted J. Hip gland occurrence and function in Microtus montanus M.S., Biology  1979 Y1979 .L96
Van Calligan, Mark Immunoenhancement in syngeneic murine tumor systems M.S., Microbiology  1979 Y1979 .V35
Wallace, Paul K. Effect of immunological reconstitution of athymic nude mice on the growth and metastasis of a syngeneic tumor M.S., Microbiology  1979 Y1979 .W34
Westmark, David R. Cyclic AMP analysis in Thermus sp. T2 M.S., Microbiology  1979 Y1979 .W37
Bigham, Wendel R. Phleomycin induced cell death in Escherichia coli: involvement of excision-repair processes M.S., Microbiology  1978 Y1978 .B44
Boyden, Bradley H. Substrate selection by Paruroctonus boreus (Girard) (Scorpionida: Vejovidae) / M.S., Zoology  1978 Y1978 .B79
Guyer, Craig Comparative ecology of the short-horned lizard (Phyrnosoma douglassi) and the sagebrush lizard (Sceloporus graciosus) M.S., Biology  1978 Y1978 .G89
McIver, James D. Investigation of the precipitin test as a tool for analyzing gut contents of Pardosa sternalis (Thorell) (Araneida: Lycosidae) M.S., Zoology  1978 Y1978 .M35
Pead, Gene Effects of indomethacin (a prostaglandin synthetase inhibitor) on ovarian morphology in Peromyscus maniculatus M.S., Biology  1978 Y1978 .P29
Reynolds, Timothy D. Response of native vertebrate populations to different land management practices on the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory site Ph. D., Zoology  1978 YB1978 .R39
Schmidt, Steven Paul Relationship between plasma cortisol levels and coronary artery degeneration in precocial male and non precocial male juvenile steelhead trout, Salmo gairdneri Ph. D., Biology  1978 YB1978 .S36
Wannemuehler, Michael J. Antitumor effects modulated by various strains of Salmonella M.S., Microbiology  1978 Y1978 .W36
Whaley, Kevin John Effects of variations in testosterone cypionate dose on triacylglycerol and cholesterol serum levels and coronary arteriosclerotic lesion production in juvenile steelhead trout, Salmo gairdneri M.S., Zoology  1978 Y1978 .W42
Wilde, Douglas Brian Population analysis of the pygmy rabbit (Sylvilagus idahoensis) on the INEL site Ph. D., Zoology  1978 YB1978 .W34
Craig, Timothy H. Raptors of the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory M.S., Zoology  1977 Y1977 .C72
DeLamatre, John G. Possible synergistic or potentiating effect of testosterone-estradiol combinations in the induction of the arteriosclerotic process of the steelhead trout, Salmo gairdneri M.S., Zoology  1977 Y1977 .D42
Hansen, Erica M. Telemetry study of the porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum) in a cool desert environment M.S., Zoology  1977 Y1977 .H24
Johnson, William Curtis Examination of censusing techniques for small mammals in a high desert ecosystem M.S., Zoology  1977 Y1977 .J64
Mahoney, Michael P. Mating behavior of brown-headed cowbirds M.S., Zoology  1977 Y1977 .M24
Meeuwsen, Kenneth W. Plasma luteinizing hormone levels in female Peromyscus maniculatus: effects of indomethacin and prostaglandin M.S., Biology  1977 Y1977 .M44
Moore, Virgil Some sublethal effects of fluoride exposure on the juvenile steelhead trout, Salmo gairdneri M.S., Zoology  1977 Y1977 .M66
Nimz, Curtis F. Computer model of the growth of larval dragonflies M.S., Zoology   1977 Y1977 .N34
Overton, C. Kerry Description, distribution, and density of Big Lost River salmonid populations M.S., Zoology  1977 Y1977 .O84
Rich, Terrell D. G. Territorial behavior of the sage sparrow (Amphispiza belli: Fringillidae) M.S., Biology  1977 Y1977 .R32
Sehman, Ronald W. Hibernaculum dynamics of the Great Basin rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis lutosus) M.S., Biology  1977 Y1977 .S35
Wannemuehler, Yvonne Jensen Induction of alpha-amylase in Endomycopsis fibuligera M.S., Microbiology  1977 Y1977 .W25
Woodruff, Roger A. Annual dispersal, daily activity pattern, and home range of Canis latrans on the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Site M.S., Zoology  1977 Y1977 .W66
Bernt, William C. Observations on a pronghorn antelope winter range M.S., Biology  1976 Y1976 .B47
Bottum, Charles Edward Pollination ecology in Penstemon procerus, the small-flowered penstemon M.S., Biology  1976 Y1976 .B67
Chehey, Robert L. Studies on the chemistry of blue-green bacterial cell walls M.S., Microbiology  1976 Y1976 .C43
Crowley, Christopher Kim Studies on interferon action: interferon induction of the antiviral state in enucleated L-cells M.S., Microbiology  1976 Y1976 .C77
Dornauer, Robert J. Possible hormonal factors in the arteriosclerotic process in rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri M.S., Zoology  1976 Y1976 .D67
Dunn, Joseph T. Phleomycin-induced DNA damage in Escherichia coli deficient in DNA Polymerase I M.S., Microbiology  1976 Y1976 .D85
Dunn, Ronald Whittaker Seasonal variations in periphyton, chlorophyll, algal biomass, and primary production in a desert stream. M.S., Biology  1976 Y1976 .D851
Dunn, Vivie Elisabeth Cluster and principal component analyses applied to a study of intraspecific morphological variation in a population of Caeculus cremnicolus Enns (Acari, Caeculidae). M.S., Zoology  1976 Y1976 .D852
Eells, Janis Thane Effects of bleomycin on Ehrlich ascites carcinoma in suspension culture M.S., Microbiology  1976 Y1976 .E44
Fout, Garland Shay Studies on the mode of action of interferon: the effect of interferon on poly U translation in a L 929 cell-free translational system. M.S., Microbiology  1976 Y1976 .F68
Kent, James C. Accumulation and distribution of organochlorines and some heavy metals in American Falls Reservoir fishes, water, and sediment M.S., Zoology  1976 Y1976 .K47
Lines, Kent K. Production of single-cell protein from potato processing waste M.S., Microbiology  1976 Y1976 .L55
Mitchell, Mark A. Postnatal development of the rabbit testicular capsule: development of testicular capsular motility in relation to stimulatory compounds M.S., Zoology  1976 Y1976 .M58
Moncla, Bernard J. Evaluation of a new assay technique for the enzyme Phospholipase C. M.S., Microbiology  1976 Y1976 .M65
Newell, Robert L. Effect of temperature on growth and development of the mayfly Tricorythodes minutus Traver Ph. D., Zoology  1976 YB1976 .N48
Shaw, David W. Colonization of an artificial substratum by benthic macroinvertebrates M.S., Zoology  1976 Y1976 .S39
Shaw, Nancy L. Investigation of factors affecting the germination of Oryzopsis hymenoides (Roem. and Schult.) Ricker, accession P-2575 M.S., Biology  1976 Y1976 .S42
Smolen, Michael J. Survival, growth, and reproduction of progeny of females from high and low-density populations of Microtus montanus. M.S., Zoology  1976 Y1976 .S56
Swan, Howard S. Enzymes of the Entner-Duodoroff pathway of carbohydrate metabolism in Thermus sp. T-2, by Howard S. Swan II. M.S., Microbiology  1976 Y1976 .S82
Van Lenten, Brian J. Effects of several drugs on the development of coronary arteriosclerosis in the juvenile steelhead trout, Salmo gairdneri. M.S., Zoology  1976 Y1976 .V24
Adamson, Gary R. Structure and production of a disturbed and native plant community in the Great Basin. M.S., Biology  1975 Y1975 .A43
Bradfield, Terry D. On the behavior and ecology of the pigmy rabbit Sylvilagus idahoensis. M.S., Zoology  1975 Y1975 .B73
Edwards, Loren Lee Home range of the coyote in southern Idaho. M.S., Zoology  1975 Y1975 .E38
Lucey, Edgar C. Cardiovascular and respiratory responses to temperature, diving, carotid occlusion, and hemorrhage in the turtle Pseudemys scripta elegans Ph. D., Zoology  1975 YB1975 .L83
McCullough, Dale Alan Bioenergetics of three aquatic insects determined by radioisotopic analyses M.S., Zoology  1975 Y1975 .M33
Postman, Valerie Jill Improved technique for the in vitro determination of water movement through the isolated intestine of steelhead trout, Salmo gairdneri M.S., Zoology  1975 Y1975 .P68
Rucker, Roger Lee Home range of the coyote (Canis latrans) and its method of calculation. M.S., Zoology  1975 Y1975 .R83
Settle, Stephen Jack Effects of Estradiol cypionate and human Chorionic gonadotropin on the development of intimal-medial arteriosclerotic lesions in the immature steelhead trout, Salmo gairdneri M.S., Zoology  1975 Y1975 .S47
Shorey, Douglas W. Agonistic behavior in the tiger M.S., Zoology  1975 Y1975 .S56
Smith, Tom Calven Development of temperature regulation in the NIH BALB/C mouse, Mus musculus, and the Montane vole, Microtus montanus Ph. D., Biology  1975 YB1975 .S65
Ahmed, Rafi Lactose system in Thermus sp. T2. M.S., Microbiology  1974 Y1974 .A56
Blakeslee, Jodean Kay Mother-young relationships and related behavior among free-ranging appaloosa horses M.S., Zoology  1974 Y1974 .B53
Davis, Deborah Roosting behavior of the turkey vulture (Cathartes aura) M.S., Zoology  1974 Y1974 .D38
Greer, Neil Stephen Germination and ethylene production in Lactuca sativa var Grand Rapids M.S., Biology  1974 Y1974 .G74
Johnson, Stephen Charles The strain-specific inhibitory substance produced by an extremely thermophilic bacterium M.S., Microbiology  1974 Y1974 .J66
McKenzie, Jack Edward Coronary atherosclerosis in non-anadromous rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri M.S., Zoology  1974 Y1974 .M32
Miller, George J. On the jaw mechanism of Smilodon californicus bovard and some other carnivores M.S., Zoology  1974 Y1974 .M56
Olson, Roger A. Bird populations in relation to changes in land use in Curlew Valley, Idaho, and Utah M.S., Zoology  1974 Y1974 .O48
Priest, Susan C. Studies on pyoverdine: a water-soluble, yellow-green fluorescent pigment of Psuedomonas aeruginosa. M.S., Microbiology  1974 Y1974 .P75
Stebbins, Mary Ciaranello Social organization in free-ranging appaloosa horses M.S., Zoology  1974 Y1974 .S74
True, Thomas Jesse Behavior and ecology of the pika (Ochotona princeps lemhi) M.S., Zoology  1974 Y1974 .T78
Varitek, Vincent A., Jr. Immunological paralysis to a bacterial polysaccharide: high zone tolerance induced with VI antigen M.S., Microbiology  1974 Y1974 .V37
Gross, Mitchell S. Comparative immunochemistry of a thermolabile and a thermostable species of [beta]-galactosidase M.S., Microbiology  1973 Y1973 .G76
Jarmon, Thomas Leon Mercury accumulation in yellow perch (Perca flavescens) correlated with age and growth M.S., Zoology  1973 Y1973 .J37
Lake, Jeffrey P. Identification of the target cell in friend disease virus-induced immunosuppression M.S., Microbiology  1973 Y1973 .L35
Leadem, Timothy Paul Osmoregulatory responses to DDT and varying salinities in Salmo gairdneri M.S., Zoology  1973 Y1973 .L43
Leung, Simon H. Induction of arginase in Physarum polycephalum M.S., Microbiology  1973 Y1973 .L49
Parker, Donald Wilbern Effect of excess methionine on the free amino acid content in the heart, liver, and blood of the chinchilla M.S., Zoology  1973 Y1973 .P36
Pitcher, Edward J. Aspects of interspecific interaction between Reithrodontomys megalotis and Microtus montanus in one-acre enclosures M.S., Zoology  1973 Y1973 .P57
Pool, William R. ACTH regulation of bovine adrenal steroidogenesis: role of protein kinase(s) M.S.,  Microbiology 1973 Y1973 .P66
Ross, Brian K. Postnatal changes in the cat heart M.S., Zoology  1973 Y1973 .R67
Tourtlotte, Gregory Ira Preliminary investigation of the biology and ecology of the northern scorpion, Vaejovis boreus (Girard) M.S., Zoology 1973 Y1973 .T68
Andrews, Douglas A. Ecological study of the lost streams of Idaho with emphasis on the Little Lost River M.S., Zoology 1972 Y1972 .A52
Burt, Mark E. UDP-N-actylglucosamine-4-epimerase from Citrobacter freundii 5396/38 M.S., Microbiology  1972 Y1972 .B88
McAtee, Frank J. Regulation of the synthesis of ornithine transcarbamylase in Physarum polycephalum M.S., Microbiology  1972 Y1972 .M335
Orr, Richard David Pelage and ectoparasites of the Bannock pocket gopher, Thomomys townsendii similis Davis M.S., Zoology  1972 Y1972 .O77
Runyan, Kenneth W. Mercury uptake in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) in American Falls Reservoir M.S., Zoology  1972 Y1972 .R86
Shelton, Thomas A. Comparative study of the evaporative water loss of varying ambient temperatures of two species of juvenile gallinaceous birds. M.S., Zoology  1972 Y1972 .S54
Speigel, Kathleen Muriel Sublethal effects of fluoride on fish M.S., Biology  1972 Y1972 .S67
Stephens, Cheryl. Study of the effects of phenylmercuric acetate on the respiratory pattern of rainbow trout M.S., Zoology  1972 Y1972 .S73
Terch, James C. Bionomics of the caddis fly (Trichoptera) fauna of Rainey Creek, Bonneville Co., Idaho, with special reference to the life histories of five selected species M.S., Zoology  1972 Y1972 .T47
Tso, PoLiang Enzymatic O-transacetylation of VI antigen M.S., Microbiology  1972 Y1972 .T76
Utter, Gary B. Microbial activity in desert soil M.S., Microbiology  1972 Y1972 .U88
Boughal, Andrew M. Effects of urethane anesthesia on transient circulatory control in adult cats M.S., Biology  1971 Y1971 .B68
Brass, Dennis W. Bioenergetics of selected stream-dwelling invertebrates M.S., Biology  1971 Y1971 .B73
Engelking, Larry Rex Effect of excess methionine on the brain and liver metabolism of the chinchilla M.S., Zoology  1971 Y1971 .E53
Feldhamer, George Alan Sex ratios, age distribution and reproduction in a black-tailed jackrabbit population in east-central Idaho M.S., Zoology  1971 Y1971 .F45
Hammond, Ronald E. Comparison of transient circulatory control in unanesthetized adult cats and in cats anesthetized with alpha-chloralose M.S., Biology  1971 Y1971 H36
Koslucher, Dale G. Investigation of the food web of the invertebrate fauna of Deep Creek, Curlew Valley, Idaho-Utah M.S., Zoology  1971 Y1971 .K67
Lucey, Edgar C. Physiological thermoregulation in a semi-aquatic turtle M.S., Zoology  1971 Y1971 .L83
Miller, Shawn M. On the biology of Hydropsyche occidentalis Banks (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae). M.S., Zoology  1971 Y1971 .M55
O'Brien, William John, Jr. In vitro biosynthesis of VI antigen by enzymes from Citrobacter freundii M.S., Microbiology  1971 Y1971 .O27
Pace, Ronald K. Study of the intra- and interspecific relationships of two species of gulls at their nesting colonies M.S., Zoology  1971 Y1971 .P25
Panik, Howard Ronald Synecological study of a mountain mahogany community M.S., Zoology  1971 Y1971 .P27
Rabeni, Charles F. Experimental investigation of factors affecting the micro-distribution of benthic insects in a riffle of Mink Creek, Caribou National Forest, Idaho M.S., Zoology  1971 Y1971 .R33
Shryock, Arnold Lee Some effects of terrestrial biota on the development and stability of aquatic ecosystems M.S., Biology  1971 Y1971 .S56
Splendoria, Frank Roost ecology of the black-billed magpie, Pica pica hudsonia M.S., Zoology  1971 Y1971 .S65
Stone, Karen Ann On factors affecting the success of the eastern fox squirrel (Sciurus niger) as an exotic species in the western United States M.S., Zoology  1971 Y1971 .S76
Lemmons, John Stanley Some studies of a lower myxobacterium before and after lyophilization M.S., Microbiology  1970 Y1970 .L45
McMasters, Michael J. Food habits of trout (salmonidae) and sculpins (cottidae) in two mountain streams M.S., Zoology  1970 Y1970 .M23
Parker, Thomas L. On the ecology of the sharp-tailed grouse in southeastern Idaho M.S., Zoology  1970 Y1970 .P37
Phillips, Jacqueline Anne Mary Effects of excess methionine on the protein metabolism of the chinchilla M.S., Zoology  1970 Y1970 .P35
Shum, Archie Chue Requirement of selenium for formic dehydrogenase activity by Escherichia coli M.S., Microbiology  1970 Y1970 .S5
Stocks, Melburn W. Comparison of transient circulatory control in anesthetized and unanesthetized adult cats M.S., Zoology  1970 Y1970 .S75
1969-1965: 21 with 21 M.S.

1969    1968    1967    1966   |   1965

Author Title Degree Year Call Number
Bloxham, Don D. Comparative effects of the anesthetized and unanesthetized states on circulatory control in cats. M.S., Zoology  1969 Y1969 .B56
Fuller, Timothy Dee Ecological survey of the mammals of the Craters of the Moon National Monument. M.S., Zoology  1969 Y1969 .F85
Jones, Robert David Serum proteins of the chinchilla: a qualitative and quantitative analysis by cellulose acetate electrophoresis. M.S., Zoology  1969 Y1969 .J65
Wong, Flora Mun-che Effects of epinephrine and norepinephrine on the cardiovascular system of newborn kittens and adult cats. M.S., Zoology 1969 Y1969 .W65
Hoffer, Terrence Lee Cardiovascular responses to parasympathetic, sympathetic, and carotid sinus baroreceptor stimulation in the opossum, Didelphis virginiana. M.S., Zoology  1968 Y1968 .H64
Mohr, Raymond Everett Survey of the fishes of the Portneuf River and its tributaries. M.S., Zoology  1968 Y1968 .M65
Perotto, Roger A. Chromatographic study of Vi antigen and some of its degradation products. M.S., Microbiology 1968 Y1968 P465
Pitcher, Kenneth W. Birds of the Fort Hall Bottoms. M.S., Zoology  1968 Y1968 .P58
Shaw, David DeForest Cardiovascular responses to epinephrine and adrenal gland changes in the muskrat, Ondatra zibethicus. M.S., Zoology  1968 Y1968 .S52
Shinn, Lake Duane Bioassay and avoidance response studies of sodium fluoride using four species of teleost fishes as test animals. M.S., Zoology  1968 Y1968 .S55
Talaro, Arthur Seasonal variations in the adrenal gland of the black-tailed jackrabbit in southeastern Idaho. M.S., Zoology  1968 Y1968 .T35
Warr, Glenn Allen L-Alanine induced germination of bacillus subtilis endospores. M.S., Microbiology  1968 Y1968 .W37
Winger, Parley Vernon Invertebrates drift in two mountain streams. M.S., Zoology  1968 Y1968 .W56
LaBar, George W. Parasitic fauna of Catostomus ardens Jordan and Gilbert (1881) in southeastern Idaho. M.S., Zoology  1967 Y1967 .L33
Lainhart, Richard D. Ecology of Chaoborus flavicans (Meigen) in McCammon Pond, Bannock County, Idaho. (Diptera: Chaoboridae). M.S., Zoology 1967 Y1967 .L35
Autenrieth, Robert E. Behavior and socialization of pronghorn fawns. M.S., Zoology 1966 Y1966 .A87
Ball, Dennis Lee Parasitic helminths of the mule deer, Odocoileus hemionus, from Owyhee County, Idaho. M.S., Zoology 1966 Y1966 .B35
Moellmer, William Otto Preliminary limnological survey of a lava sink pond (McCammon Pond). M.S., Zoology  1966 Y1966 .M64
Chan, Yu-lin Enzymatic degradation of a polysaccharide from an O antigen of Citrobacter freundii. M.S., Microbiology  1965 Y1965 .C44
Martin, Donald Gene Some physicochemical and biological properties of sonically treated Vi antigen. M.S., Microbiology 1965 Y1965 .M37
Purnell, Dallas Michael Some physical and biological properties of an endotoxin from Citrobacter freundii 5396/38. M.S., Microbiology  1965 Y1965 .P87