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Current Bengal Athletic Boosters Members

The Bengal Athletic Boosters are proud of its long tradition of funding scholarships for Idaho State University student-athletes.  We are as proud of their academic accomplishments (our student-athlete population maintains a GPA of 3.0 or higher) as we are of their athletic success. A donation to the B.A.B. allows us to attract high-quality individuals to Idaho State. Our goal is to sustain and grow available scholarship funds, through our annual fund drive, auctions, golf tournaments and other events and we are mindful of maintaining the longevity and loyalty of our long-time benefactors.  Your membership demonstrates your role as an integral part of the ISU Athletics family by supporting approximately 300 student-athletes in 13 different sports. 

The Idaho State University Department of Athletics is pleased to recognize the generous contributions of the individuals and businesses listed on the following pages.  *Members are listed alphabetically by first name, within their giving level.

*The listing contains those members who have made a gift as of March 1, 2021.  Any omissions are purely unintentional and we hope you will help us ensure our loyal donors are not overlooked.  If you have any concerns please call the Bengal Athletic Boosters office at (208) 282-5773.

Bengal Athletic Booster Scholarships Information

The Idaho State Athletics department has announced that Phil, Bekki and Jason Meador have established a scholarship endowment that will benefit the Bengal football program. Learn more about Meador's Scholarship Endowment

Thank you, Phil, Bekki and Jason! 

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