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MSAT/DPT Dual Pathway

The M.S. in Athletic Training/Doctorate in Physical Therapy dual degree is a highly sought combination. Growth in this field is projected to be 35% over the next decade for these allied health care providers who provide injury prevention, recognition, treatment, and rehabilitation in sport and any area. You will experience a wide array of clinical rotations of both programs. With the dual degree, you can complete the program in 4 years (47 months), graduating with an MSAT and DPT degree, and requirements to sit for the national board examinations for both professions.

Athletic Training, M.S.

Preparing professional educators for leadership, health, and performance improvement in sport

  • Athletic Training Coursework and Internship (30+ credits)
  • Physical Therapy Coursework and Clinical Experience (103+ credits)           

Course Catalog Entry

Admission Requirements

Admission Requirements for Other Programs (e.g. Master's degrees)

Degree-seeking students must meet the following requirements:

  1. A baccalaureate degree from a college or university regionally accredited in the United States or its equivalent from a school in another country.
  2. The minimum Master's level standards are:
    • GPA Standardized Test (last 60 credits) 3.5 to 4.000 No standardized test (GRE/MAT) required
    • GPA Standardized Test (last 60 credits) 3.0 to 3.499 40th Percentile on at least one area of the GRE or 40th Percent tile on the MAT
    • GPA Standardized Test (last 60 credits) 2.5 to 2.999 Combined Verbal and Quantitative (V+Q) score of 1000 on GRE or 45th Percentile on the MAT
    • GPA Standardized Test (last 60 credits) Below 2.499 No admission
    The method of calculating an Admission GPA is based on the last 60+/- semester undergraduate credits (90+/- quarter credits), using complete semesters (quarters). In the case of those students who have not completed the baccalaureate degree, the grade point average will be calculated on the last 60 credits at the time of application.
  3. In instances where a standardized test is required, to register for the GRE, contact either the GRE-ETS, Box 6000, Princeton, New Jersey, 08541-6000, or the ISU Counseling and Testing Center (208)282-2130. To register for the GMAT/MAT, contact the Idaho State University Counseling and Testing Center. GRE/GMAT/MAT scores are used for other purposes in addition to admission. Most departments/colleges also use these scores as part of the criteria for awarding graduate assistantships, fellowships, or scholarships. Other parts of the campus may also use these scores in the process of awarding scholarships. Students at Idaho State University may take these tests at the Counseling and Testing Center. Special study sessions are available at the University in the Center for Teaching and Learning (208) 282-3662 to aid the student in preparing for the GRE/GMAT.
  4. Recommendation for admission by the department or college offering the desired degree program. Please see individual department sections of this catalog for additional requirements.
  5. Approval for admission by the Dean of the Graduate School.

The Application Process

The admission process is initiated as follows:

  1. Applications for admission may be obtained online (www.isu.edu) or from the Graduate School.
  2. Applicants applying as degree-seeking students must request that each institution at which they have taken any post-secondary work submit one official transcript directly to the Graduate School. Idaho State University undergraduate transcripts are available to the Graduate School and need not be forwarded by the applicant. Non-degree seeking applicants must provide a transcript (official or copy) showing proof of degree.
  3. Applicants must include a $55 nonrefundable processing fee with each application form. The files of students who do not pay the required application fee will not be processed for admission.
  4. Some programs require additional information (e.g., letters of recommendation); please contact the specific department and review individual departmental sections of this catalog for additional requirements.
  5. Applicants must clearly indicate the desired graduate program on the application form, or if a non-degree-seeking student, the college and department in which the student intends to take courses.
  6. GRE/GMAT/MAT may be required for degree-seeking applicants at the discretion of the department.
  7. Additional requirements for degree-seeking last semester seniors, and international students are described under those headings on the following pages.
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