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We started the ISU ROTC Army Alumni Chapter to connect with our student and faculty alumni. We started our chapter in the Fall 2022 semester with refining our chapter by-laws and voting in our first chapter officers. We meet four times a year as a chapter, with an in-person and virtual option.



Current Chapter Officers:

Commander: COL (R) Craig Nickisch. Emeritus Professor

Executive Officer : LTC (R) Scott Luekenga, ISU ROTC Class of '87

S1 - Secratery/Membership Manager: Mrs. Photina Haumschilt, ISU ROTC Admin Assistant

S3 - Events Coordinator: CPT Terrel Tovey, USAR and ISU Alumni

S4 - Young Alumni Rep/Treasurer: 2LT Courtney Effingham, ISU ROTC Class of '22

Ex-Offico Members: CPT Michael Goering, Current ISU ROTC OIC, and SFC John Cruz, Current ISU ROTC NCOIC


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