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Why study a foreign language at ISU?

  • Offers a sense of a relevant past, both cultural and linguistic.
  • Liberalizes one's experience, expanding their view of the world.
  • Contributes to the creation of a student's own individual personality.
  • Encourages critical reflection on the relationship between language, culture, and thought.
  • Fosters an understanding of the interrelation of language and human nature.
  • Contributes to cultural awareness and literacy, including knowledge of original texts.
  • Contributes to the achievement of national goals, such as economic development or national security.
  • Expands opportunities for meaningful leisure activities, such as travel, reading, or watching foreign language films.
  • Develops the intellect and enhances learning skills.
  • Improves knowledge of the native language through comparison and contrast with the foreign language.
  • Exposes learners to modes of thought not present in their native language.
  • Builds practical skills for purposes such as travel, commerce, or other disciplines.
  • Preserves or fosters a country's image as a cultured nation.
  • Teaches and encourages respect for other peoples.
  • Enables transfer of training, such as learning a second foreign language.
  • Balances content and skills, promoting a holistic learning approach.