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Adult Education

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What locations/towns/counties does the Adult Success Center service?

A: All of Region 5

Towns: American Falls, Blackfoot, Soda Springs, Aberdeen, Firth, Shelley, Montpelier, Paris, McCammon, Lava Hot Springs, Preston, Malad, Arimo, Bancroft, Grace, etc.

Counties: Power, Bingham, Caribou, Bear Lake, Oneida, Franklin

Q: Are there are other study centers located near me (in Idaho)?

A: Yes. Idaho Falls – College of Eastern Idaho, formally Eastern Idaho Technical College (EITC); Twin Falls – College of Southern Idaho (CSI); Boise – College of Western Idaho (CWI); also other locations throughout all of Idaho.

 Q: Where is the GED testing center located?

A: Graveley Hall, ISU; 3rd floor, 1001 South 8th Ave., Stop 8027, Pocatello, ID 83209               

Phone: 208-282-2130;    Fax: 208-282-4279

Q: How do I get my transcript/official copy of GED?

A: ISU does not actually keep any GED records. It all goes through the State of Idaho. Therefore, you can either go to www.ged.com and click to request transcripts or go to www.parchment.com and follow the instructions to request your GED transcripts and diploma.

Q: How much does the official GED test cost for Idaho?

A: $30 per section. There are four sections: Reasoning in Language Arts (English) with essay portion; Math; Science; and Social Studies. $120 total.

Q: Do I have to take the entire GED all at once?

A: No, in fact we recommend splitting the tests up and taking one at a time. Start with your best subject.

Q: What if I don’t pass a test section; are there re-take options?

A: Yes, if you did not pass one of your GED® test subjects, you are given two subsequent retests, with no restrictions between retakes. If you fail the third or any subsequent retest, you must wait 60 days for your next attempt. The cost for a retake is $10.00.

Q: Do you have to go through the Adult Success Center’s process for their classes before getting your GED?

A: No. In fact there are four practice tests on www.ged.com for $6/each, total of $24, we would recommend taking before attempting the GED test. These “GED Ready” practice tests will give you raw score between 100-200 and a “likely to pass,” “too close to call,” or “not likely to pass.” You need a minimum score of 145 on each section of the test to pass. And if you take these practice tests and share us as a prep center, we can align your results to specific curriculum to help expedite the study process.


Under 18? Have you completed a GED Age Waiver? You will not be able to do anything with the GED test without this documentation on file with the ISU Testing and Counseling Center.

Need accommodations on the test? Start early! It could take 6-8 weeks to process. Contact us to learn how to complete this process.

Student Success Stories

“I would refer people here if they have been out of school for a while to go talk to the Adult Success Center. They are very caring and very helpful. The help of the GED and Adult Success Center has got me to where I am at now.”          –Greg L.


“If I can do it, so can you! Let me tell you why. I suffer from TBI, short-term memory loss, a learning disability and PTSD. If I could give you some advice: it would be to ask questions, work hard, and don’t ever give up. They gave me the courage to believe in myself.”                                                         --Tamaria H.


“These people changed my life. There is hope! Though I was not here long, I worked at it and made the impossible happen. With a little help and guidance, I got my GED and registered for college!!! If I can do it so can you; you got this, I believe in you.”                                                                                       –Joe R.


“The members of the Adult Education program were invaluable to me in getting the process started to get further in my education. The staff were so warm and comforting that I knew they had my back, both on my education and also my personal needs. I would recommend the program for anyone who has been out of school for a few years, and even further.”                                              –Jerry P.


“As an adult who had not been in any kind of formal education for over 20 years, finding the START program was a life changing event. The START program offered high quality instruction that refreshed my basic skills, and took them even further which prepared me to enter college, all while I earned a scholarship!”

--Paula A.


“I made a goal to get my GED and enroll at the College of Technology as a paralegal student. I achieved my goal in about six months. I worked hard to achieve my goals but I could not have made it into college without the START program in the College of Technology. It was a challenge I overcame.”

--Carlos M.

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